Page:The Granite Monthly Volume 2.djvu/158

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The Son of Man, who, separate From mankind's sins, to high estate Had lifted those who humhly gave Their hearts to Him — who came to save From sin and woe, whose love divine Would last when suns no more should shine.

But sin still lived, and still gave hirth

To woes that long would trouble earth.

1,1 E'en now, within your very doors,

Fell war its desolation pours

Upon your households, nor departs

Till it has stricken many hearts,

Laid many a loved one 'neath the sod.

Whence comes our help except from God?

It seems in vain to seek redress

From man for wrongs which selfishness,

Oppression, tyranny and pride

Hath righteous deemed, and justified.

Nor wrongs shall cease, nor woes be stayed

Till God the righteous cause shall aid.

We all are sinful, and we need

The spirit of our Lord in deed

And truth ; so let us humbly pray

That soon may come that blessed day

When tyranny and strife shall cease,

And foemen say, ' Good-will and peace?'

Surely in this our hearts will share;

Will Deacon Adams lead in prayer?"

Thus closed the Elder's sermon. Near The preacher, with attentive ear, The Deacon listened. He had dared War's dangers, and but ill had fared, When Braddock, at a heavy cost, Indulged his pride, his army lost; For, maimed in bo ( dy, from the field By comrades borne — who slowly yield — This soldier brave can join no more The ranks*in which he fought before, But, crippled, he is patriot still, And to his country nobly will, Through sacrifice, in word and deed, Prove true in this her hour of need. Three sons he to the war has sent, And two have fallen; he is content, Since they fought well, and bravely gave Their lives their country's life to save.

But yesternight had brought the news That Washington must surely lose His army ; 'twas in full retreat, His men with shoeless, bleeding feet, Half-clothed, and lacking arms and food. By twice their number fast pursued.

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