Page:The Granite Monthly Volume 2.djvu/177

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time of Franklin Pierce, being now nated with remarkable unanimity upon under thirty years of age. He was the first formal ballot, as the candidate united in marriage in May last, with of his party for Representative in Con- Miss Belle E. Mower, daughter of L. gress, receiving 194 votes, against 2S L. Mower, Esq., clerk of the common for Lafayette Chesley, 1 7 for Thomas council of the city of Concord. J. Smith, and 8 for Thomas J. Whipple,

As a member of the Rockingham and this without any' effort upon his county delegation the past two years, part to secure the nomination. He ac- Mr. Norris has actively participated in cepted the candidacy, and immediately the consideration of county affairs, and entered upon an active canvass, ad- was appointed one of the county Audi- dressing the people upon the issues of tors each year by the delegation. the day in various sections of the dis-

At the Democratic Congressional trict, and making a gallant contest, al-

Convention for the First Congressional though little hope of the success of his

District, at Rochester, on the first of party in the district was entertained

October last, Mr. Norris was nomi- from the start.



We turn dame Nature's plans about

To suit our wayward fancies, When driving storms and winds are out,

And frost views meet our glances ; The fruits and berries that grew bright

In pleasant sun and showers. Bring summer flavors to delight

Tbe dreary winter hours.

By a few tricks of light and heat

The floral seasons vary. And wax-like May buds open sweet

In snow-bound January. The cold grows tierce. In many a farm

The icy evils gather ; — In vine-decked rooms, by firesides warm,

We laugh at winter weather.

O, happy they who can defy

Years as we do the season ! Who keep youth's buoyant spirits by

To blend with age's reason. Though hair grows white, and face and form

Show Time's defacing finger, He cannot chill the heart-beats warm,

Where youthiul fancies linger.

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