Page:The Granite Monthly Volume 2.djvu/248

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��lawyer, judge, agent of the Auburn prison, and Member of Congress ; the late Dr. Horace Powers, of Morristown, Vt., a man of extensive practice in his profession, sheriff of Lamoille County, Member of the Constitutional Conven- tion, State Senator and bank director, — he was the father of Hon. H. H. Powers, now Judge of the Supreme Court of Vt. ; the late Judge Cutting, of Bangor, was one of the Justices of the Supreme Court of Maine ; the late Dr. Stow, of Boston, was, for many years, a leading clergyman of the Baptist denomination ; the late Griswold .W. Wheeler, M. D., of St. Louis, Mo., was a scientist and member of a Philosophical and Scien- tific Society in St. Louis ; the late Wil-

��liam P. Wheeler, of Keene, N. H., was a leading lawyer in Cheshire Co. ; the late Hon. Cyrus Barton was an influen- tial editor at Concord, N. H. ; Timo- thy C. Eastman, of New York city, is probably the heaviest exporter of fresh beef in the United States ; George F. Putnam, of Haverhill, is a leading law- yer in Northern New Hampshire. But none among the sons of Croydon have done more to reflect honor upon the place of his nativity than the subject of this sketch.*

  • It might properly be added, that Dr. William

Barton, of Croydon, a brother of the subject of this sketch, is a physician of high repute, and was many years prominent in educational affairs, while a half-sister, Augusta Cooper Bristol, now of Vine- land, New Jersey, is well and favorably known iu literary circles.



All through the night, Dear Father, when our trembling eyes explore

In vain Thy heavens, bereft of warmth and light. When birds are mute, and roses glow no more, And this fair world sinks rayless from our sight, O, Father, keep us then !

All through the night, When no lips smile, nor dear eyes answer ours,

Nor well-known voices through the shadows come ; When love and friends seem dreams of vanished hours, And darkness holds us, pitiless and dumb, O, Father, keep us then !

All through the night, When lone despairs beset our happy hearts,

And drear forebodings will not let us sleep ; When every smothered sorrow freshly starts, And pleads for pity till we fain would weep, O, Father, keep us then !

��All through the night, When slumbers deep pur weary senses fold,

Protect us in the hollow of Thy hand ; And when the morn, with glances bright and bold, Thrills the glad heavens and wakes the smiling land, 0, Father, keep us then !

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