Page:The Granite Monthly Volume 2.djvu/291

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��Tenth company, 65 men. Capt., Joshua Abbott, Concord ; Lieut., Sam- uel Atkinson, Boscawen ; 2d Lieut., Abial Chandler, Concord. This com- pany had 23 men in it from Concord. The balance were from Boscawen, Sal- isbury and vicinity. William Mitchell of East Concord, was killed ; Elias Rano of Salisbury, was wounded in his leg ; James Robinson and Reuben Kemp were both prisoners in Boston, and were reported dead ; Daniel McGrath was reported dead in Boston. In the returns, Charles Rice of Surry and James Winn of Richmond, were reported as wounded, and attached to Stark's regiment. The same may be said of Jacob Elliott, Andrew Aiken, and Wm. Smart ; they all were report- ed to have been wounded at Bunker Hill ; we are not able to assign them to any particular company, We thus have been able to give more than three fourths of the whole number of all the killed and wounded in that en- gagement with considerable accuracy. Stark's regiment was unquestionably the largest in numbers that was en- gaged on the American side. Captain Dearborn said in his report of 18 18, that our two New Hampshire regiments marched on to the hill with full num- bers. We make the full number of Stark's regiment, including rank and file, 632. Doubtless there were some

returned to Hopkiaton, the town for which I enlisted. There having the ben- efit of the pastor and the people I ac- quired so much instruction, so that in 1777 I was enabled to teach a small school, by means of which and the help of my kind mother I continued along, un- til at length the great arbiter of life and death called her to the world of spirits. And now being destitute of father and mother, and one hand, I should take it as a favor to have a claim with many others upon the public rewards. As in duty bound your petitioner will ever pray. MOSES TRUSSELL. Hopkinton, Feb. 10, 1781.

State of ISTew Hampshire.

This certifies that Moses Trussell served as a private in Col. Stark's regi- ment in the year 1775, and that he has produced sufficient evidence that while in the service of the United States he lost his left arm by a wound received in it,

��sick and others left on guard at Med- ford, and smoe on furlough, for which a deduction may be made. We allow a deduction of 50 men. The numbers engaged in that battle on the British side must have exceeded 3000 men. The number of the Americans must have been nearly 2500, according to Frothingham. Mrs. Hannah Brown lost her husband in Bunker Hill battle, we cannot give the husband's name. There were eight Browns in Stark's regiment.

We claim in behalf of New Hamp- shire that she furnished nearly half of the men that fought on the American side. Though it may be admitted that those who fought in the entrenchment suffered most.

Poor's regiment was not sent for un- til after the battle of the 1 7th. It ar- rived at Cambridge, June 25. In ad- dition to the numbers already stated, the men of the town of Hollis were found in Col. Prescott's regiment. They numbered 59, and were commanded by Captain Reuben Dow, who was wounded in his leg or ankle, and per- manently lamed. Judge Worcester of Nashua has furnished a good, reliable record of his revolutionary fathers and their achievements. We are glad to know he is about to give to the public a history of his native town. Judge Worcester gives the loss in Capt. Dow's

and that we judge him to be entitled to a pension of twenty shillings per month, commencing on the 31st of July, 1786. JOSE PH OILMAN, 1 Committee SAMUEL TENNEY . j oomamtee ' Exeter, Oct. 31, 1786.

March 21. 17S6. This certifies that there appears to be due to Moses Trussell, an invalid, the sum of one hundred and fifteen pounds in full, for half pay from January 1st, 1776. to July 31st, 1785.


add 24.00 Register of Invalid Pensions.

��$139.00 in the whole — 139 pounds half pay.

Reuben Trussell was wounded at Ben- nington, Col. Stickne5 r 's regiment, Stark's Brigade. Received as halfpay 30 pounds, on account of his wound. He was from Hopkinton. We suppose him a brother of Moses Trussell.

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