Page:The Granite Monthly Volume 2.djvu/337

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��Addition of Alexandria, in the county of Hillsborough.

Whereas, a petition has been prefered to the General Court in behalf of the inhabitants of a tract of land called Addition of Alexandria, in the county of Hillsborough, setting forth that they labor under great inconveniences for want of incorporation, and praying that they may be incorporated, of which public notice has been given and no objection has been made.

Be it therefore enacted by the Coun-

♦cil and House of Representatives in general court assembled, and by author- ity of the same, that there be and hereby is a township erected and in- corporated by the name of New Lon- don within the following bounds, viz. : Beginning at the south-westerly corner of Alexandria, aforesaid, on the patent line, and running on said patent line to Fishersrield Corner in great Sunapee Pond ; from thence east on the northerly side line of Fishersfield four hundred and seventy-two rods, to Perrystown Corner ; then north, eighty-five degrees east, about four miles to a beech tree marked on Perrystown line ; from thence

_north, thirty-nine degrees east, about sixteen hundred and seventy-two rods to a beech tree marked in Alexandria Corner ; from thence north, twelve de- grees west, to the patent line afore- mentioned on the westerly side of Alexandria.

And the inhabitants of said town- ship are hereby erected into a body politic and corporate, to have continu- ance and succession forever, and in- vested with all power, and enfranchised with all the rights, privileges and im- munities, which any town in the state holds and enjoys, to hold to the said inhabitants and their successors for- ever.

Mr. Samuel Messer is hereby author- ized to call a meeting of said inhabi- tants, to choose all necessary and cus- tomary town officers, giving fourteen days notice of the time and place and design of such meeting ; and the offi- cers then chosen shall hereby be in- vested with all the power of such offi- cers in any other town in the state, and

��every other meeting which shall be annually held in said town for that purpose shall be on the second Tues- day of March forever."

" State of New Hampshire. In the House of Representatives, June 24th, 1779. The foregoing bill having been read a third time, voted that it pass to be enacted.

Sent up for concurrence. (Signed)

John Langdon, Speaker.

"In Council June 25th, 1779. This bill was read a third time, and voted that the same be enacted. (Signed)

M. Ware, President.

Copy examined by E. Thompson, Secretary."

Mr. Samuel Messer called a meeting of the freeholders, and other inhabi- tants qualified by law, to vote in town affairs, on Tuesday the third day of August, 1779, of which he gave due notice, for the following purposes, viz :

Firstly — To choose a Town-Clerk.

Secondly — To choose Selectmen.

Thirdly — To choose a Constable and such other officers as shall be thought proper in town.

Fourthly — To see what method the town will take to have roads.

Fifthly — To know what sums of money shall be granted to pay the town charges for the present year.

Sixthly — To see if the town will vote to hire preaching.

Seventhly — To see if the town will hire any school for children.

In compliance with said warrant the inhabitants of New London met at the dwelling-house of Mr. Samuel Mes- ser, at which time was read the copy of the act of incorporation of this town, Mr. Messer's power, given him by said honorable court, to call said meeting, after which was read the notification for said meeting, of which Mr. Messer was considered as moderator, and then pro- ceeded to act on the business of the day.

Town officers chosen by written votes : Ebenezer Hunting, Town-Clerk ;

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