Page:The Granite Monthly Volume 5.djvu/113

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��have bargained solde & set over unto the said Richard VValderne his hairs & Assines for ever ; my whole right and property at Bellermis Banke, w is to say, my quarter part of the saw mille, w"' all the iron worke, Ropes, wheles, sleads houseing, & all other Implements therunto belonging ; w'** all the Lands, and Grants of the Toune for Timber, & Likewise w*'* twenty three acars of Land, grainted by the tovvne, w"' all other priviledges & Implyments therunto Belonging, to have & to hold to him & his hairs & afines, for euer, & quietly & peasebely to Injoy the same without any lett, molestation or trubejl from mee the said phillip Lewes, or any other by, from, or under mee claiming the same & for the performance hearof, I binde myselfe, hairs. Executors, administrators & asines, firmly by thes presents, in witnes wherof, both myselfe & wife have sett our hands & seales.

��phillip Lnvis hanali -]- Lewis her mark.

��4th of June 1657 [seal.]

��Singned, seled and deliuered in the presants of us

Jo Jin hancn James -f- kid

his mark Timotheus Walderne

Thes presents witnes that I Rafe hall [Ralph Hall, of Exeter,] doe wholy o surender up all my wright and pefcian [possession] I had from phillip Lewes in the mill or land or timber at belinges-bank unto Richard walderne his eres arid asignes for euer witnes my hand and seall this 5 : June 1657

Signed seled and deliuered rapJie Jiall [seal.]

in the presents of us

Jo] in hancn James + kid

his mark Timotheus ivalderne. ' '

Major Waldron's deed to his son-in-law. Captain John Gerrish, is the work of a hand more accustomed to the drafting of legal documents : —

" TO ALL PEOPLE to whom this present writing shall come, to be scene or understood, KNOW YEE : that I Richard Waldern of Doner ; on the Riuer of pifcataque ; in New-England Gentlman : For diuers good Caufes ; And Consideracons me therunto mouing : HAVE Giuen ; Granted, Aliened ; Afsigned Enfeoffed ; And Confirmed, And by they prefents, doe fully ; cleerly ; and Abfolutely ; Giue ; Grant ; Alienate ; Affigne And Confirme, unto my son in law John Gerrish ; that quarter part of the Saw-Mill, at Belny-bank or by what Name foever Called or known ; by me formerly purchased of William FoUat, as Allso that hundred Acres of land be it More or less ; belonging unto ; or purchafed therwith, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD; with All And euery the priuiledges ; proffitts ; libertis ; Rights ; Imunities ; Appurtenances what- foeuer, therto belonging, with all the Iron work, Geers, Ledges and other Implements belonging to the sayd quarter part of Mill Afore menconed ; to him my Sayd Son in law ; John Gerrish, his Heirs And Afsignes for euer ; to his And their own : onely proper use ; behoofe. And benefit. AND I the Sayd Richard Walderne ; doe Couenant ; promifse And Grant ; for mee ; my Heirs ; executors And Administrators, to And with the Sayd John Gerrish, my my son in law ; his Heirs ; And Afsigns, by theis prefents ; that I the Sayd

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