Page:The Granite Monthly Volume 5.djvu/120

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��Sunday, Oct. 25, 1778. This fair anfl pleasant, wind W. S. W. midflle and latter part cloudy weather.

Monday, Oct. 2B, 1778. This morning fair and pleasant, struck top gallant yards, sewed our cables and springs, employed landing the stores. Thirteen sail of coasters from the eastward in below. Arrived this day a prize schoon- er laden with bread, &c.. from Quebec; wind S. W.

Tuesday. Oct. 27, 1778. This morning cloudy weather, employed cleaning ship and landing stores. A cartel arrived here to-day from New York with a manifesto ; sent the first cartel's boat on board. Middle and latter part cold and cloudy weather.

Wednesday. Oct. 28, 1778. This morning clear weather, employed wash- ing decks, &e. Tlie Fortune, privateer, arrived here from oft' a cruise, having taken nothing. The middle and latter part fair weather, wind east.

Thursday, Oct. 29, 1778. This morn- ing cloudy weather, wind S. E., people employed cleaning ship. The ship Lucia from Sheepsgate, Capt. Isaac Cusno, commander, bound to Boston from France, arrived here. The mi<ldle and latter part clear and cold, wind S. W.

Friday. Oct. 30, 1778. This morning thick weather, wind west, people em- ployed cleaning ship &c. A prize brig ar- rived liei-e taken by the Hornet, Capt. Spurger of Newbury. Eleven sail of coasters in below; the latter part of this day cloudy and cold.

Saturday, Oct. 31, 1778. This morning begins witii thick, cloudy weather, with rain. People employed cleaning ship, &c. ; the latter part cold.

Sunday, Nov. 1. 1778. This morning begins with cloudy weather and cold,

wind N. E. The armed schooner ,

William Ray. coimnander, from Machias, bound to Boston, arrived at Great Island. The middle and latter part cold, wind S. W.

Monday, Nov. 2, 1778. This morning begins with cold and cloudy weather, wind north. Peoijle employed on ship's duty ; middle and latter part cloudy and cold.

Tuesday, Nov. 3, 1778. This morn- ing fair and pleasant, wind S. W. ; peo- ple employed cleaning ship, &c. Seven- teen sail of merchantmen, &c., in below; middle and latter part a gale, wind S. W.

��Wednesday, Nov. 4, 1778. This morning fair and cold, wind N. W. Peoi)le employed on ship's duty ; middle and latter part cold and clear weather.

Thursday, Nov. 5, 1778. This morn- ing begins with cloudy weather, wind N. E. People employed cleaning ship ; middle and latter part snow and cold.

Friday, Nov. 6, 1778. This morning fair and cold, wind N. People employed scrapiqg the decks. Captain Simpson returned from Boston.

Saturday, Nov. 7, 1778. This morn- ing begins with rainy weather, wind S. E. Four of our prisoners deserted latter part of this day. Weather mod- erates, wind S. W.

Sunday, Nov. 8, 1778. This morning fair and pleasant, wind S. W. ; the mid- dle ami latter part clear weather.

Monday, Nov. 9. 1778. This morning begins with thick rainy weather. People eiiiployed getting up quarter sails, in order to get the guns out ; middle and latter part hard storm with rain.

Tuesday, Nov. 10, 1778. This morn- ing begins with clear weather, wind S. W. Fifteen labourers and two caulkers employed on ship's duty ; middle and latter part fiiir weather.

Wednesday, Nov. 11, \Ti%. This morning begins with thick weather, and full of raiii. People employed in the hold setting out water casks and beef. Put the best bower cable on board the Durkingfleld, as also four pairs spare shrouds. Fifteen labourers and six caulkers employed on ship's duty ; mid- dle and latter part hard storm of rain.

Thursday, Nov. 12, 1778. This morn- ing fair and pleasant, wind N. W. Peo- ple employed getting out the guns. Landed some of the gunners' stores. Delivered to John Hart, the rope maker, the old shrouds belonging to the sloop of war Drake. Fifteen labourers and six caulkers employed on ship's duty ; mid- dle and latter part fair and );)leasant.

Friday, Nov. 13, 1778. This morning fair ;ind pleasant, wind west. People employed landing provisions, viz. : sev- enty-four barrels beef and pork. Tjanded the" bow and waist netting; sent the net- ting irons to Mr. Sherburne, the smith. Delivered Mr. John Hart seventy-two pounds of cable. Fourteen labourers and six caulkers employed on ship's duty. Middle and latter part fair wea- ther, wind S. W.

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