Page:The Granite Monthly Volume 5.djvu/154

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cast away yesterday p.m. At noon Capt. Simpson went down in the jolly boat to see if he could render them any service; at live Capt. Simpson returned and brought the melancholy account of her being a prize brig belonging to the Monmouth, privateer. She was stranded on Odiorne's Point, and all her people perished.

Monday. Jan. 11, 1779. Cold and severe frosts with sharp N. W. winds throughout this twenty-four hours.

Tuesday, Jan. 12, 1779. The first part of this day severe cold weather, the wind at N. W.; the latter part wind N. E and snow. P.M. Delivered Jeremiah Goodwill and William Gates, their hammocks.

Wednesday, Jan. 13, 1779. The first part of this twenty-four hours wind at N. E. and snow; latter part wind northwardly, weather moderated and cloudy. Received on board one cord wood. Employed the people clearing decks, &e.

Thursday, Jan. 14, 1779. Moderate and fair wind at S. W. to west. People employed scraping the sides; tarred the larboard side.

Friday, Jan. 15, 1779. Fore part wind from S. W. to west; the latter part wind at N. N. E and snow. Received on board 4 bags bread, delivered a hammock to each of the following persons, viz.: Abraham Cook. Robert McGeo. Chestley Perkins. John Doore, Epes. Grenough, Owin Swaney, Aaron Chamberlain, John Cook. People employed slinging their hammocks.

Saturday, Jan. 16, 1779. This twenty-four hours cold dry weather. Employed receiving a gondalow of old rigging out of the store, and fourteen new coils rope, some old and new blocks.

Sunday, Jan 17, 1779. All this twenty-four hours fine pleasant weather, the wind at west north-west.

Monday, Jan. 19, 1779. All this twenty-four hours sharp cold weather, wind at N. W. Employed getting the guns off the hill on board a gondalow; received them on board. Received on board one cask rum, forty gallons.

Tuesday, Jan. 19. 1779. All this twenty-four hours cold weather, wind at N. W. Received on board 52 barrels of bread, 5 large and 47 small. 6 boxes candles, 5 barrels flour, 1 firkin butter, 5 coils cordage.

Wednesday, Jan. 20. 1779. The fore part of this day cold sharp weather, wind at W. N. W. Received on board in all 99 small casks and 7 large ditto of bread, 6 barrels flour, 10 barrels pork, 6 firkins butter, 10 boxes candles, 2 bales canvass, 24 lbs. twine. Latter part of this day strong gales and fine starlight.

Thursday, Jan. 21. 1779. All this twenty-four hours cold weather, the wind at W. B. N., and clear. Received on board 6 hhds. rum, 2 containing 115 gallons each, 2 of 111, one 113, one 114 gallons.

Friday, Jan. 22. 1779. All this twenty-four hours fine pleasant weather, wind at W. N. W. Received from the store 2 firkins butter, 2 casks flour, 3 casks rice, 3 boxes candles, part of a cask vinegar, part of a cask wine, 2 small kegs ditto, part of a cask gin, 2 small remnants canvass.

Saturday, Jan. 23, 1779. The fore part of this twenty-four hours cold and dry weather. Received on board 4 pairs spare shrouds and a pail and some old nippers. Latter part wind at west with rain and snow.

Sunday, Jan. 24, 1779. All this twenty-four hours cold frosty weather with snow, wind at W. N. W. Hoisted our colours to honor the day.

Monday, Jan. 25, 1779. The fore part of this twenty-four hours cloudy, the wind at N. E. Latter part thick with much rain. Delivered out two hammocks.

Tuesday, Jan. 26. 1779. All this twenty-four hours pleasant weather, wind at W. S. W. Employed clearing snow off decks and washing them down.

Wednesday, Jan. 27. 1779. All this twenty-four hours cold frosty weather, wind at W. B. N. Employed clearing the decks.

Thursday, Jan. 28, 1779. This twenty four hours pleasant weather for the season, wind at west. People are usefully employed about sundry necessary jobs.

Friday, Jan. 29, 1779. Pleasant weather, wind westwardly. The people usefully employed receiving on board two sled loads of wood.

Saturday, Jan. 30, 1779. Cloudy; wind from N. B. W. to N. E. Latter part full of snow. Received from Heart's rope walk eight coils cordage.

Sunday, Jan. 31, 1779. Pleasant weather, the wind northwardly.

Monday, Feb. 1, 1779. Pleasant weather, the wind northwardly. Throghout the people employed about sundry jobs. Scraped and payed the masts alow and aloft. Delivered the sail-maker four bundles roping and four ditto seaming twine. Expended twelve fathoms rope to tail the main top sail lifts; up top gallant yards.