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��protection and encouragement of our fisheries. That his administration was conducted with great ajjihty, few will dispute. His cahinet was composed of eminent statesmen, among whom were Messrs. Marcy, Guthrie, Davis, and Gushing. The character and personal influence of President Pierce can not be better or more truthfully stated than in the language of Mr. Davis, the only surviving member of his cabinet. We quote from his book, " Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government " : —

" The administration of Franklin Pierce presents the only instance in our history of the continuance of a cabinet for four years without a single change in its personnel. When it is remembered that there was much dissimilarity if not incongruity of character among the members of that cabinet, some idea may be formed of the power over men possessed and exercised by Mr. Pierce. Chivalrous, generous, amiable, true to his friends and to his faith, frank and bold in the declaration of his opinions, he never deceived any one. And if treachery had ever come near him. it would have stood abashed in the presence of his truth, his manliness, and his confiding simplicity."



��E. Wheelock's Narratives, 1763, 1765,

1767, and appendix, 1769, 1771, appen- dix to 1772, 1773, 1775.

E. Wlieeloeli, Sermon, 1775.

J. Wlieelock, Essay on Painting. &c., 1774.

E. Wheelock. Plan of Government. 1776.

Ahnanacs, Dunham and True. 1796-8.

John Smith, Sermon at Dedication of Meeting-House. 1796.

Azel Washburn, Sermon. 1797.

Asa McFarland. Sermon, 1797.

J. Dunham. 4th July Oration. 1798.

Sanmel Swift, Funeral Oration on J. Merrill. 1799.

Daniel Adams. Dissertation on Anima- tion. 1799.

S. Dewey, Account of Hailstorm, 1799,

Asa Burton, Sermon to P. B. K. Society, 1800.

Wm. Woodward. Funeral Oration on Washington. 1800.

Prof. J. Smith. Funeral Sermon on Washington, 1800.

Daniel Webster, 4th July Oration. 1800,

Daniel Webster, Eulogy on E. Simonds, 1801.

Elijah Parish, Sermon, 1801.

Cj'rus Perkins, Dissertation on Fever. 1802.

Asa McFarland. P. B. K. Oration. 1802,

J. W. Brackett, P. B. K. Poem. 1803.

Wm. White, Funeral Oration of J. Lane, 1803.

��Stephen Farley, 4th July Oration. 1804. James Brackett. 4th July Oration. 1805.

E. Parish, Sermon, 1806.

J. Burnhara, Funeral of E. Hardy, 1806.

R. Shurtleff. Funeral Sermon on Mrs. Woodward, 1807.

Wheelock and Jacob, on Eight of Dart- mouth College toVt. Grant. 1807.

J. Wheelock. Eulogy on Prof. J. Smith, 1809.

F. Brown, Address on Music, 1809.

E. Parish, Eulogy on Prof. J. Hubbard.

1810. Samuel Worcester. Address on Music,

1810. Jon. Fairchild. 4th July. 1811. D. McClure and E. Parish. Memoir of

E. Wheelock, pp. 336. 1811. Statutes relative to Medical Graduation,

1812. Levi Woodbury, Handel Society. 1812. J. Dunham, 4th July Oration. iS14. P. Emerson. Oration on Music. 1814. Constitution Society for Discouraging

Vice, &c., 1814. R. Shurtlett". Sermon. 1815. Sketches of History Dartmouth Col- lege, 1815. Review of the same. 1S15. Xarrntive of Church Difliculties, 1815. Vindication of Trustees. 1815. J. Dunham, Answer to Vindication,


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