Page:The Granite Monthly Volume 5.djvu/364

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��tions wei"e published in Rumford. Sept. 28, 1751, and he died in Concord, Jan. 26. 1809. He eouiuianded the 11th N. H. regiment at Bennington. Stark said of him and liis three other colonels, "had they been Alexanders or Charleses of Sweden, they could not have behaved better." He was of the committee of safety, and often moderator; married his fifth cousin.

12. Anna Osgood was born in Pena- cook, July 18, 1732, and died in Concord. Jan. 20, 1802.

13. liev. Woodbridge Odlin. or Audley. A. B., was born in Exeter, Apr. 28, 1718, H. C. 1738; married in Exeter. Oct. 23, 1755; ordained, Sept. 2S, 1743. and died at Exeter. Mar. 10. 1770.

14. Abigail Oilman was born at Ex- eter, Dec. 22,1732; married first. Rev. Job Strong, and dieil at Exeter, Aug. 15, 1787.

��15. Samuel Oibson, a Scotchman, was born in Ireland in lOiJ-J ; married in Bos- ton. Aug. 30, 1733 ; leader of the first settlement of Hillsborough in 1741 ; of Litchfield in 1745, and Merrimack in 1774 where he died, Sept. 4, 1779; gran- tee of Boyle, now Oilsuui, in 1752; an- cestor of Cliarles Osgood, of great eru- dition and of the firm of J. & N. Smith & Co., merchant ship owners. N. Y., Mrs. Wm. F. Peterson, of Wheeling, and Mrs. Emma Manning Huntley, of Mil- ford, N. H.

16. Ann Mackafee left Ireland because of wi"ath at what a lover said to her, and came alone to Boston. She died soon after Jan. 23, 1783-4, probably in Merri- mack, in the family of lier son Matthew ; was probably descended from Mackduft", the Thane of Fife.

17. John Stewart, properly Steward, was born in Ireland about 1705 ; came vvitli the Rev. James McGregor to Lon- donderry in 1719, and was called the '" minister's lad," and it was probably he who had one half share, as proprietor, In 1722. His will, Londonderry, June 7, and proved. Dec. 20, 1786 ; was descended from Walter, the first High Steward of Scotland, who was grandson of Ban- quo, steward of Duncan I. All the royal Stuarts are descended from Wal- ter Steward. There were 250 years from Walter to Robert II, the first Steward who was a king. The American Stewarts have no royal blood in their veins, but are all cousins to Victoria and the other descendants of Robert Steward II, the grandson of Robert Bruce by his daugh- ter Margery. The name of the family was Fitz Allan, originally.

18. Perhaps a sister of Gabriel Barr, who died in 1776, and w^as from Bally-

��money, Co. of Antrim, as she had a grandson, Gabriel Gibson.

19. Capt. Benj. Gale, blacksmith, was married iu Haverhill. Xov. 2. 1729, and died there after 1774; was collector in 1741. and grantee of Rumford. Me. in 1774.

20. Hannah Clements was born in Haverhill, Mar. 26, 1711, and died there after Oct. 3, 1754.

21. Dr. Ezra Carter was born in Sal- isbury, in 1719; studied tiiere wich Dr. Ordway; was moderator, town-clerk, and selectmtin of Concord, and the first physician ; was a pt^ace-maker, of kind and benevolent temper, of (juick wit. and a general favorite ; marriage intentions, Jan. 28, 1742 and "43, and died in Con- cord, Sept. 17, 1767; shortlived; drank to excess; eight children.

22. Ruth Eastman was born in Pena- cook, Jan. 17, 1729 and '30; second white cliild. Her first child was born when she was 13 years 4 months and 26 days old ; after marriage played with other childreu; lived where Sanborn's block now is; married second, Au- gust 14. 1768. Samuel Fowler of Bos- cawen, and was own grandmother of ]S'athaniel and Col. Charles G. Greene. Ezra C. Gross, M. C, and Wm. F. Peter- son, and great grandmother of U. S. Senator Wm. Pitt Fessenden.

23. Lt. Jeremiah Stickney. cordwainer, was born in Bradford, Aug. 1, 1702; was of Lebanon, Ct., 1724; mairied in Brad- ford, Nov. 12. 1724, and died in Rum- ford, Apr. 11, 1763; was selectman when Rumford was incorporated, and after- ward moderator, and very prominent. His house was a garrison. His monu- ment, in tlie old grave-yard, was erected by Joseph Stickney of New Yoik city.

24. Elizabeth Carleton was born in Bradford, Mar. 7, 1706 and '07, and died in Concord, January 1, 1773. She married her fifth cousin.

25. James Osgood was born in An- dover in 1707, lived there until after May 6,1731; married before 1732; and died in Rumford, April 6, 1757. His house there was a garrison ; was one of the wealthiest of the first settlers ; short lived. His gravestone was the oldest of the six in existence iu 1790. Three were for Stickneys, and one for Dr. Ezra Car- ter.

26. Hannah Hazen was born in Box- ford, February 5, 1709 and '10 ; will, Con- cord, May 4, and proved May 28, 1783. She kept the Osgood tavern, and was an ardent patriot. Dr. Bouton says she was highly respected. Two of her daughters married colonels. She was one of the most capable women of her dav.

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