Page:The Granite Monthly Volume 5.djvu/369

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��Ezekiel Webster, I'rof. Charles A. Young, LL. D.. General Fnincis A. Walker, Miss Kate Sanborn, and Mrs. "Helen Mar"' lieaue,

184. Sarah F ; born 1621. and

died in Salisburj', Mass.. March 10, IGtlT. and "98.

185. Thomas Barnard. See 173.

186. Eleanor . See 174.

187. Dr. Joseph Peaslee. See 171.

188. Mary . See 172.

189. Thoinas Barnard. See 173.

190. Eleanor -. See 174.

191. William Stiokuey, son ot William and Margaret (Fierson) Stickuey, and grandson of Robert, who was buried in 1582. was baptized in Frampton. Liii- colushii-e. Sept. 6, 1592 ; sailetl from Hull in 1G37. He. his wife, and son Samuel ; John, Margaret, and Elisha Audley, Abigail. Deacon Henry, and Anne (Goldstoue) Bright, were among the earliest meml)ers of the first chiircn of Boston; married in England before 1G33. and had eight children; one of the first settlers of Eowley; a select- man. In a tax list of £46 8s. 2d., levied on 35 persons, his quota was 19s. 4d. ; buried in Kowley. Jan. 25. 1664 and "65; estate, £416; ancestor of Com. George H. Preble. Maj. Gen. Amos Hovey. and Bishop Carlton Chase.

192. Elizabeth , was born in

England in 1608. and alive Sept. 24, 167S.

193. Thomas Leaver, town clerk of Rowley, was married there, Sept. 1, 1643, and buried there, Dec. 27, 1683.

194. Mary Bradley, of Rowley.

195. Robert Hazeltine was born in Bideford, Devon; married in Rowley. Dec. 23, 1639; selectman in 1668, and died in Bradford, Aug. 27, 1674.

196. Ann ; died in Bradford

July 26. 1684.

197. Deacon Masimillian Jewett was baptized in Bradford, Yorkshire. Oct. 4. 1607. He and his brother Joseph (be- low) were sons of Edward and Marj- (Taylor) Jewett, who had the same coat of arms as Sir Henri de Juatt, and Comte de Juatt. prime minister to tlie Emperor Charles Y. He married tirst. before 1643 ; second, Helen PellV, widow of Boyntou, Aug. 30, 1671, and third, Sarah; was representative of Rowley for seventeen years, and died there. Oct. 19, 1684. In 1660 only three paid higlier tax.

198. Ann ; died in Rowley and

buried. Nov. 9, 1667.

199. Edward Carleton was born in Chertsey, Surrey; son of John, grand- son of John and Joyce (VVelbeck)Carle- ton, great grandson of John and Alice (Daniell) De Carleton and John Wel-

��beck. great great grandson of John and

(SkipwiLh) De Carleton and Girard

Daniell, great great great grandson of

Thomas and (Skerne) De Carleton,

iiTcat jiivat ji'reat great grandson of Sir

��Walter and

��(Fieldman) De Carle-

��ton; son of Thomas, of Sutton, son of Henry Ijy AUica. son of John, son of Adam by Sibella, daughter of W. Arm- strong, time of Edward 111. Edward emigrated to Rowley in 1638; father to the first child born there; returned to England before 1656; married first, in England, before 1630. and second, in Massachusetts, to Prudence, widow of Dr. Anthony Crosbj'; ancestor of Col. Gordon Hutchins.

200. Eleanor Denton was born in Eng- land ; daughter of Sii' Thonuis Denton.

201. Joseph Jewett was baptized in Bradford, i'orksliire, Dec. 31, 1609; ujarried in England, Oct. 1, 1634; emi- grated in 1638 ; uuried in Rowley. Feb. 26. 1660 anil "61; with Z. Gould, owned more than six thousand acres in Box- ford.

202. Mary Malinson died in Rowley April 12, 1652.

203. Richard Kimball, jr.. wheel- wright, son of Richard and Ui'sula (Scott) Kimball, and gi-andson of John and Martha Scott, of Kent, was born in England in 1623 ; married first, Mary, anu after 1672 married second, Mary, and died in Wenham, May 26, 1676 ; larg- est tax-payer.

204. Mary Gott. daughter of Charles Gott, of Salem, 1628, where he was first deacon and representative in 1635, and of Wenham where he was represent- ative ; she died Se})t. 2, 1672, in \V enham.

207. John Osgood, son of Robert and Joan, of Wherwell. grandson of Peter and Elizabeth, of Upper Wallop, and great grandson of Peter?, assessed, 1522, was born in Amlover, Hampshire, June 23. 1595; of Ipswich, Newbury, and Andover. Mass.. where he was second on the list of house-holders, and next af- ter Rev. John W'oodbridge in list of founders of the church, and first rep- resentative in 1651 ; married before 1630, in England, and died Oct. 24, 1651. No citizen, but Governor Bradstreet and the two Woodbridges, siupassed him in wealth and influence; estate, £373. A full inventory of his goods discloses that this rich man lived in a house of logs, anil owned nothing that is not com- mon in the rude huts of pioneers in Kan- sas ; ancestor of wife of Genet, French minister to AVashiugton, and of Samuel Osgood. Washington's postmaster-gen- eral.

208. Sarah emigrated in 1638,

and died at Andover, AprU 8, 1067.

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