Page:The Granite Monthly Volume 5.djvu/82

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��inja: on board one hundred and thirty- six punehions rum and ten bales cot- ton. Informs us that he had parted with a fleet of West India Men eighteen days before, bound for Europe under convoy of the Deal. Castle and Beaver; put on board Joseph Green. Prize mas- ter; Dam'el .Taoksou. Samuel Holbrook. James Smith. Oliver Pommett. Samuel Chandler. Benjamin Quint, and Simon Staples.

Thursday, Sept. 10. 1778. Beg-in«  with heavy squalls of wind and rain, with lar.ije swell; handed our top sails. The prize brisj in company; at seven in the morninsr wind to the S. W. ; thick weather and rain ; set the stav sails. The wind has been S. E.. and S.'S. E.

Friday. Sept. 11.1778. This twenty- four hours begins with a fre^h sale ami thick weather. In the mornlnjj the ship = and prize bri a: hove too; took from out of her for the use of the Eanofer four puncheons of rum. for the Providenc" ei^ht. and for the Boston two ; delivercl to tile brii; 220 bread. 1 barrel of beef, half a barrel of pork. 32 pounds butter. 40 yards lio-bt canvas 7 pounds twine. 14 sail needles. 10 pounds candles. 8 palm irons. 1 bushel corn. 2272 pounds cheese. Condemned as unfit for us^ 124 pounds of butter, and 2 casks of pease containing about 14 bu«bels, als > 12 pounds of cheese. Capt. Tucker hav- ing a disturbance on board the Boston. WHS obli2:ed to send two mutineers on board the Providence, and on board th " Eansrer the following prisoners taken in the Friends, viz. : Thomas Marshall anl William Haffixart, passenorers; Daniel Johnson. William Sharp. Malcolm M. Isaac, and John Bogo^. seamen; and John Thompson, boy.

Saturday, Sept. 12, 1778. Bearing with light breezes and clear weather; at" eight o'cloek in tlie forenoon saw a sail to the westward ; set our studding sails ; at noon a very light breeze, out oars to row after the chase, she being about eight or nine miles distant. Winds for the twenty-four hours X. B. W., N. N. W.

Sunday, Sept. 13, 1778. The twenty- four hours begin with light winds and variable; at four gave over chase, a light air coming from the S. W. At sunset lost sight of the chase, a liirht air from the west; light winds AV. S. W. : in company with the ships and prize brig; wind S. W.

Monday. Sept. 14. 1778. The twenty- four hours begin with a fi-esh breeze at S. W.. and (jlear weather; fresh breezes and clouily, double reefed our topsails. Wind increases, close reefed the fore and main and handed the mizzen top sail ; at

��eight in the morning saw a sail bearing N". N". E., gave chase; at ten came up with her. she proved to be our prize brig. Wore ship to the westward ; the Commodore ordered Mr. Green, the prize master, to make the best of his way to America.

Tuesday, Sept. 15, 1778. Fresh breezes and squally wind at N. W. B. W., up courses ; light breezes and cloudy weather; at eight this morning out all reefs, up top gallant yards, and set the sails; sail maker employed making a mizen stay sail out of one of our heavy lower studding sails. The Boston made a signal for a sail in the N. W. ; gave chase.

Wednesday, Sept. 16. 1778. Light breezes and hazy weather. The Boston's boat boarded the chase; bore up for the Commodore ; proved to be .an English Snow fourteen days from Newfound- land. Capt. Whipple manned and dis- patched her for America. Rain, double reefed topsails, stood to the S. W. ; saw two sail to the southward; gave chase. At balf past seven tacked to the east- ward after the chase. The wind has been variable, from the IST. E. B. E. round to S. B. W.

Thursday, Sept. 17, 1778. Light j breezes; the chase to windward near % them ; set in foggy ; lost sight of the chase, Boston and Providence, At six, clear again ; saw that our c>iases. had tacked to the northward, and were on weather beam about four miles distant, tacked after them . At seven the Commo- dore made a signal to give over chase. Bore up and spoke with the Commodore. At midnight double reefed each top sail ; three in the morning hard squall, and rain, handed the top sails; at iive spoke the Commodore; at eight, Capt. Tucker made signal for a sail; made sail. J

Friday. Sept. 18. 1778. Fresh galea I and rain; double reefed our top sails; I lay too for the Commodore to come down, spoke with him at Ave. handed all our sails, but the fore sail, down top gallant yards. Rain and a large sea. At five in the morning the wea- ther moderates a little; set our main sail and close reefed fore top sail. The twenty-four hours ends with ^hard squalls and rain, with a large sea.

Saturday, Sept. 19, 1778. Strong gales and rain, a large swell from the westward; bore up for the Providence; set fore stay sail, main top mast stay sail, mizen and mizzen stay sail ; set dou- ble reefed top sail; handed the fore and close reefed the main top sail.

Sunday. Sept. 20. 1778. gales, handed the top sails and the fore and mizen stay sails ; set the main top sail,

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