Page:The Granite Monthly Volume 5.djvu/92

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��6. John Rollins was born in 1771 ; removed from what is now Kollinsford to Lebanon. Maine, 1792; died in 1855. At the burial of his wife in 1854. he was present with seven of their eight sons and their wives, and with two daughters and their husbands. The mother's death was the first in the family for nearly half a century.

7. Sarah Frost, born in Elliot. Maine, in 1751 ; was married May 18, 17G9, and died in 1815.

8. Rev. Alpheus Spring was born in 1739; graduated at Princeton in 170G; was ordained in 1769 ; received the de- gree of A. M., from Dartmouth College, in 1785, and was the second minister settled at Elliot, Me., and died in 1781. Of his three daughters, Mary married Dr. Hezekiah Packard, from whom descended Profs. Alpheus and William Packard. Lydia married Rev. Mr. Chandler, his successor, of whom M. S. and Dr. Elisha Shapleigh are descendants. All these daughters are represented in a letter from Hon. Horace Binney, with whose step-father they spent much time, as women of rare social and intellectual qualities.

9. Ruth Parker was born May 24, 1731 ; was married January 31, 1759, and was buried in Newton, Mass.

10. Gen. Michael Jackson was born in 1734. He was a lieutenant during the French and Indian war. He was chosen captain on the day of the battle of Lex- ington, and received thanks from Gen. Warren for his services. He was major of Gardner's regiment at Bunker Hill, where he killed a British officer in a per- sonal encounter, and received a bullet Avound in the side. He was again wounded at Montressor's Island in 1776. He was colonel of the eighth regiment of the Continental line. He died in 1801, and was buried with distinguished military honors. His pall-bearers wei-e Gov. Eustace, Col. Ward, Gov. Brooks, Jos. Blake, and Gen. Knox, Washing- ton's first Secretary of War. Two of Gen. Jackson's nephews were members of Congress, one from Massachusetts, and one from Connecticut.

11. Elizabeth Waldron was born in 1752; was married April 3, 1770, and died in 1809.

12. Elisha Shapleigh was boi-n in 1749 ; was a captain in the Revolutionary war ; owned a large estate in the town of Shapleigh, Maine, and was there collect- ing rents when he suddenly died of heart disease in 1822.

13. Mary Carr, the third of twelve children, was born in 1744, and died in 1823.

14. John Rollins was born April 2,

��1745 ; lived in what is now Rollinsford. in house one mile below South Berwick, subsi^quently and long owned and occu- pied by Samuel Hale, and where liisson Frank now lives. He was represenative to the general court in 1789, and died January 23. 1828. In a private cemetery at the old place. John Rollins, his wife and many others of the family, lie bui'ied.

15. Mercy Sewall was born in 1718. At the time of her marriage to Mr. Frost, February 20. 1749. she was the widow of Hon. Joseph Harmon, of York. She died in 1807. The letter from Judge Sewall to Simon Jackson, announcing her death, is preserved l)y Mr. Rollins.

16. Hon. Simon Frost was born in 1706 ; graduated from Harvard College in 1729 ; was Assistant Secretary of the State of Massachusetts ; was Register of Probate for York County, and Judge of Court of Common Pleas. He dietl in 1766, and was buried in Elliot, Maine. A book from his library is in the library of Mr. Rollins.

17. Keziah Converse.

18. Henry Spring was born July 19, 1692, in Watertown, Mass., and passed his life there.

19. Sarah Stevens.

20. Ebenezer Parker was born in 1702, and died April 14, 1783.

21. Phoebe Patten was married in 1733, and died in 1776.

22. Michael Jackson was born in 1709 ; was the father of eight sons and six daughters, and died in 1765.

23. Mrs. Smith of Durham.

24. Col. Richard Waldron lived in Dover, near Garrison Hill, where Taylor Page lived in 1855, and later.

25. Elizabeth Plaisted was born in 1731. After the death of Mr. Shapleigh, her fii'st husband, she married : 1. Rev. Samuel Hill. 2. Colonel Richard Wal- dron. 3. Mr. Atkinson, and 4. Mr. Bartlett, — forty years having elapsed between her first and last marriage. She died in 1798.

26. Nicholas Shapleigh was born in 1720; lived in Elliot, and was accidently killed in Berwick, Maine, in 1756,

27. Mar3r Gerrish, born August 15, 1719, was the mother of twelve children. The third child. Mary, married John Rol- lins.

28. Dr. Moses Carr lived at what is now Rollinsford Junction ; practised

.medicine sixty years; was town clerk for nearly forty years, and a Judge of the Court of Common Pleas from 1776 to 1784. He died in 1800. A book from his library is in the possession of Mr. Rollins.

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