Page:The Granite Monthly Volume 6.djvu/130

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��Bnrveyors of the Port.

Thomas Martin, Samuel Adams,

  • Ceorge Wentworth,

James Ladd, Samuel Hall, William D. Little, Joseph L. Locke, Winthrop Pickering, John N. Frost. Kittridge Sheldon, Josiah G. I ladley, William B )due, John Knowlton, William R. Martin, Joseph D. Pillow,

��Date of Appointment.

August 3, 1789. July 7, 1798.

Aug. 31, 1802.

Feb. 12, 1822.

Jan. 29. 1830. Jan. 9, 1842.

July 27, 1S44. March 14, 1845. March 16, 1849. March 18, 1853. March 31, 1857. March 13, 18(33. March 18, 1867.

April 8, 1S69. March 26, 1873.

��Office abolished March 16, 1874.

Navy Agents. Date of Appointment.

IJacob Sheafe.

Woodbury Langdon,

I Henry S. Langdon,

Enoch G. Parrott,

John N. Sherburne,

John Laighton,

Timothy Upham,

Simiul Cushman,

Charles W. Cutter,

Charles If. Ladd, Sept. 15, 1851.

  • <r.-'>. Wentworth appjinted vice Adams de-


■fUn ler appoin'mentfrom the War Department, Tvlu-ii the a it uf April 30, ir'.X, c.vating the \ ivy Department pa-s«-d an 1 wai retained ill offije. En I of servi •<■ M 1. 1, 1S01.

(Henry S. Langlon vice Woodbury Langdon, deceased. Died January 13, 18J3.

��May 1,


�Jan. 23.


�April 2 t,


�June 25.


�April 27.


�April 29,


�April 1,


�Oct. 1,


��Nehemiah Moses, April 1, 1853.

Henry F. Wendell, Sept. 1, 1857.

Thomas L. Tullock, April 15, 1861.

End ot service July 19, 1S65, when the office was abolished ; since which time the duties of navy agents at the several naval stations, have been dis- charged by the regular Paymasters of the United States Navy.

��Naval Storekeepers.

Tunis Craven, John P. Decatur, Richard H. Ayer, Enoch P. Barnes,

Charles \V. Cutter, Daniel Pierce, John Rice, John R. Reding, Virgil 1). Paris, Mark F. Wentworth, John Wentworth

��Date of Appointment-

March 15, 1S13.

Oct. 21, 1823.

May 1, 1829. May 1, 1837. April 19, 1841. May r. 1845. October r, 1849. May 7, 1853. June 1, 1858. May 15, 186 i. May 3, 1864. Mark F. Wentworth, Nov. 17, 1S64. Andrew J. Stimson, April n, i865.

End of service April 6, 1S67, when the office was abolished, the duties being since performed by regular officers in the navy in charge of the different departments at the yard ; the stores being placed in the custody of the respective division to which they belong, instead of having one general depository.



��Unseen ideal powers Are beautiful, rich flowers That, blossom in the heart Ami bear the fruits of Art In minds that think, an I plan, Ami strive lo reach life's van; Misfortune and ill I nek Develop hope and pluck. A purpose, plan, or prayer, Imagination tare. A faith that sees God near, —

Woodsville, N. H., Dec. 20, "82.

��Are worth a hemisphere. Ideal thought* give birth To deeds of highest worth. The boy's ideal theme Becomes the man's pet scheme. And thought, and wish, and will, A-eeud the steepest hill. But those who nev r rear On skyey arch or pier A castle, bridge, or hall, Will never build at all.

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