Page:The Granite Monthly Volume 6.djvu/177

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��fingers closed, gracefully declaiming. The head and face, with noble domed brow, is beautiful ; the expression se- rene, almost radiant, and the hair, though clubbed behind, does not cover the ears. The costume seems more modern, though the coat appears to have no collar at all, only the seam guarding the edge carried around, yet large buttons button back the sleeve- cuffs, cravat close, with a neat knot in front and pendent ends folded and edged or fringed, but no bosom-frills. A cloak, with square collar, covering the left arm that holds it up to the fingers, drapes the figure to the ankles.

The next three statues belong to the United States.

The semi-heroic statue of Alexander Hamilton was modeled by Dr. Hora- tio Stone, of the city of Washington, and executed in Rome in 1868. It represents him in earnest debate, with a short closed roll in or under the right hand, the fingers of the left just touching an oblong case of rolls or lictor's fasces. The head is large and square, crowned with curling hair not wholly covering the ears and tied be- hind ; forehead high, eyes deep-set, nose sharp, lips full. There is a slight variation from the oft described cos- tume — upright collar to the frock coat reaching to the knees, buttons on the cuffs and big lappets over the vest pockets, frills perhaps narrower at the wrists, the breeches much wrinkled over the limbs, long hose, and low heels to the buckled shoes. The front face of the pedestal is covered with a large crowded intaglio, in black lines, of Washington taking the oath of office.

Hamilton, 175 7-1804, was the peer- less intellect — the bright particular star — in the early dawn of our nation ; a man in the estimation of many tar superior to the august Father, or any other of the heroes of " the great days " of that formative period. A rare genius, with level head, the foreign orphan-boy of fifteen acquired large store of knowledge, and excelled first in sound, practical common sense and executive ability ; then as versatile as

��the needs of the time, in conversation ; in oratory ; in military tactics, suc- ceeding Washington as commander- in-chief; in statesmanship in its highest form, with insight into principles that Talleyrand called a divination ; in law, molding the constitution, that but for his greatness had been other than the power it is — to the people and the people to the constitution — writing sixty-three of the eighty-five wonder- ful papers of The Federalist ; in finance, as first Treasurer, from an ut- terly empty chest providing for the payment of a national debt of about $60,000,000 ; the only clay in the gold, the manner of his death, since he had lost his eldest son in a duel, and disapproved of the code, but ac- cepted the challenge as a public man. The one failure to act up to his con- victions and scorn the evil fashion cost the nation his invaluable life at the age of 47. In November last New York unveiled a memorial statue of Hamilton, presented to the city by the last of his six sons, now nearly 90 years of age, a man richly dowered with great talents and of rare attain- ments, who in his address on the oc- casion modestly hoped that : " Time having developed the utility of his public services and of the reasons of his polity, this memorial may aid in their being recalled and usefully ap- preciated."

The bronze Jefferson holds in his left hand, at the side, a sheet of bronze as large as the original parchment, bearing in legible printed letters the Declaration of Independence, which coming to the base serves as relief. The right arm is held across the per- son with fingers raised. The long thin face is almost sharp. The hair covers the ears and ties behind. The upper lappel of the long coat-collar seems drawn up as if to shield from cold. The skirts are cut away at the sides. The long waistcoat, breeches and long buckles. No heels to the shoes. Behind lie a couple of old volumes with a civic wreath on top, "Presented by Uriah Phillips Levy, of the U. S.

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