Page:The Granite Monthly Volume 6.djvu/200

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��Only evil-doers were ever thus roughly handled by her. No little child was allowed to leave the school- house, on a rough winter day, until she had seen that its cap, hood, tip- pet and mittens, were all properly adjusted and fastened. She was kind as a mother to them, and faithful, I

��believe, in the discharge of all her du- ties as a teacher. She was a some- what strange woman — a remarkable woman — a useful woman. Her life was long and well-filled with good, strong work ; and in her death New Hampshire lost a daughter worthy of an honorable place in her history.



��"The association is composed of alumni of Dartmouth College and those who have been students at, received degrees from, or made dona- tions to, that institution, in any of its departments, resident in Washington. Its objects are literary, social, and his- torical, and, through such an associa- tion, to keep alive an interest in our alma mater, and in each other.

" Each member is urged to be pres- ent at the reunion, and all 'Dartmouth men ' in the city, or within convenient distance, are cordially invited to join with its members in the pleasures of the occasion." — Annual Circular.


The first thing ever done was the issuing of a circular of the date of February 18, 1876, calling for a pre- liminary meeting, which meeting was held at the rooms of the Commissioner of Education, February 21, 1876, when twenty were present. The organiza- tion took place Feb. 28, 1876, and the following officers were elected : Pres- ident, Gen. John Eaton, '54 ; vice- presidents, Rev. Royal Parkinson, '42, and Dr. N.. S. Lincoln, '50; secretary, S. R. Bond, Esq., '55 ; historian, Gen. R. D. Mussey. This same set of officers has been reelected at each an- nual dinner since the organization of the association.

The first dinner was held March 27, 1 8 76, at Gray's, and thirty were present ; the second, March 6, 1877, at Gray's,

��and twenty-seven present ; the third, Feb. 11, 1 8 78, at Gray's, and forty-nine present ; the fourth, Feb. 6, 1879, at Abner's, and thirty-three present ; the fifth, Feb. 3, 1880, at Abner's, and thirty-nine present ; the sixth, Feb. 16, 1881, at Gray's, and thirty-nine pres- ent; the seventh, Jan. 18, 1882, the anniversary of Daniel Webster's birth- day, at the Hamilton, and thirty-eight present ; the eighth, Feb. 6, 1883, at Willard's, and fifty-three present, the largest gathering since the organiza- tion.

At the last reunion and supper a new set of officers was elected, and they are : — President, Prof. J. R. East- man, '62, C. S. D. ; vice-presidents. Col. George Kent, '14, and Sup't J. O. Wilson, '50; secretary and treasurer, F. R. Lane, '81 ; historian, William H. Gardiner, '76 ; chorister, A. F. An- drews, '78.

The following is the list of members (and those entitled to become such) resident in Washington :

Class. Names.

1804. *Hon. Isarel P. Richardson. Law- yer.

1814. Col. Geo. Kent. Treasury Depart- ment.

1825. *J. M. Brodhead, M. D. (Med. Dep'D.'.ate 2d Compt. Treasury.

1835. Rev. Cyrus S. Richards, Professor Howard University.

1835. flsaac N. Goodhue (partial course),


1836. Daniel F. Merrill, Second Auditor's Office.


f'l'hese members are not now in the city.

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