Page:The Granite Monthly Volume 6.djvu/49

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��regular course of promotion, round by round up the ladder of political eminence.

His indefatigable attention to detail is an important secret of his success in life. We saw him, not long ago, in the navy yard at Portsmouth, inspect- ing personally every gun, and timber, and rope, — every thing there however in- significant it might seem, — giving or- ders as he went along, dictating memo- randa, mastering in his own powerful mind the whole situation. With a mem- ory skilfully attuned to the accurate recollection of a million details, and yet a mind fitted for the grandest and most comprehensive command, we have in him a secretary who will be an honor and a credit to the whole country. The people of New Hampshire may well sound his praises, but they do not over- estimate his worth and importance in the very responsible position which he has recently been called to fill at the head of the United States Navy. He has already done, and is doing, an im- mense amount of valuable hard work that makes no public showing, and the results of which are unselfishly put into the common fund, to be credited to the faithfulness and patience of all with whom he is associated in the ex- ecutive branch of the general govern- ment.

He is not a big man physically. Nature did not endow him with an especially handsome form and face, but he has a lithe, well-proportioned figure, a cheerful countenance, and a bright, pleasing manner. His step is quick and elastic, and he has a fasci- nating self-assurance that cheers on his comrades, and entitles him to the re- spect of his opponents. When a question is settled, he drops it. He is impatient of annoyance, and he disen- gages himself almost abruptly, but without giving offence. He is a ner- vous man, and does not sit still long, but he has an easy way of making himself at home with you. Hundreds of letters and applications, and matters weighty and petty, come to his atten-

��tion daily, but he accomplishes an im- mense amount of work with an ease and alacrity that are truly wonderful. He is brilliant in conversation, an ele- gant and yet unassuming entertainer. His hospitality is unlimited, and he is a great lover of good society, which he frequents, and where he is always welcomed. He always has something fresh and original to say, something important to impart, and there is noth- ing of the cynic about him. He is a man upon whom there is no discount, a man to tie to, a good friend. There is not a lazy particle in his constitu- tion, nor a mean streak in his whole make-up. He has a big, impulsive heart, as many a poor man knows. There is nothing imposing about him, yet he has the faculty of winning the firmest friendships, and his friends hold him in the highest admiration. If you met him a stranger, you would at once pick him out as a great man, and you would make no mistake in so doing. His forte is in the organization and marshalling of men, but he is de- votedly attached to his family, and his indulgence therein knows no bounds. Amidst all the bustle of public honor, he never once forgot his own individ- uality and the tender ties of relation- ship that bind him to the hearts of those who love him dearly. No re- nown however grand could glamour his eyes to the worth of old friend- ships, and the pleasure of old associa- tions and attachments at home. Upon his arrival in Concord, his first visit is always to his mother. If you knew him a poor boy, you need not fear to recognize him now, no matter whether you be rich or poor, high or low. He is an aristocrat of the true type, and does not judge men altogether by their clothes and purses.

He is thoroughly identified with all the best interests of his city and state, and his forward public spirit has prompted him to favor every enterprise for our advantage and advancement. Should he serve the nation with half the zeal he has served the state, his services will be invaluable indeed.

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