Page:The Granite Monthly Volume 7.djvu/144

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��•' Like leaves on trees, the race of man is found ;

Now green in youth, now withering on the ground ;

Another race the t'ollowiug spring sup- plies ;

They fall successive <ind successive rise."

When I read the death of this aged citizen of my native town my mind went back fifty years. This seems a long period my young reader ; to me it is like a dream. How the forms of the dead pass me as I write. They can not be placed on canvass by my mental effort, but they are near me in my thoughts, for the dear old town is precious to me. Its soil covers my ancestry, who sleep quietly in the place named " God's Acre." He came from good Anglo Saxon stock on both sides ; his mother had Dearborn blood in her veins, and no better can be found in any New England family. His ancestry is as follows :


Godfrey Dearborn, born in Exeter, county of Devon, England. Immi- grated to America and settled in Exe- ter, New Hampshire, in 1639. There is no record of his first marriage, which took place in England, hence we have not the name of the mother of his children. He was the ancestor of the Dearborns in New England, if not in the whole country. He married for a second wife Dorothy, widow of Philo- men Dalton. There was no issue by this marriage. He lived in Exeter ten years ; then moved to Hampton, N. H. He was a prominent man, having served as selectman in both towns. He died February 4th, 1686, leaving three sons, Henry, Thomas, and John. The subject of this sketch was a de- scendant from Henry, the oldest son.


Henry, born in England in 1633. He was six years old when his father came with Rev. John Wheelwright to Exeter. He lived in that part of Hampton that was years afterward set off to be the town of North Hampton. When he removed there it was a wil- derness. He was a selectman in 1676 and 1692. His house was standing in 1848. He died January 18, 172c;. His wife was Ehzabeth Marrion. He married her January 10, 1666.


Deacon John, son of Henry, born in Hampton October 10, 1666; died there November 22, 1750; married Abigail Bachelder November 4, 1689. She was born December 28, 1667. Died November 14, 1736. They were prominent in the church. The lengthy inscriptions on their tombstones record their virtues. They left four sons and six daughters. He was one of the pe- titioners for a division of the town, which was granted, and North Hamp- ton, N. H., was incorporated in 1742.


Jonathan, second son of Deacon John, born in North Hampton in 1691 ; died in Stratham, N. H., December 29, 1 779. He married Hannah Tucke, January 29, 1715. She was born April 10, 1697; died June, 1780. Here- moved early in life to Stratham, a dis- tance of seven miles. It took four days to accomplish it. They went through Kensington and Exeter by marked trees. He was noted for his wild pranks and practical jokes. He fired off an alarm gun which was kept to notify the people of an Indian inva- sion ; it was answered from station to station, and aroused the people from

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