392 Publishers' Department.
��editor's table.
This number of the Granite Monthly scope of the magazine will embrace all is the eighty-fourth issued, and closes that is calculated to interest a New the seventh volume. Many of the Hampshire audience primarily, and friends and patrons of the magazine secondly, the world at large, are withdrawing from the subscription We would thank our contributors for list. We thank them for favors ex- their assistance, and request that they tended to us in the past, and wish them continue in well-doing, a successful and prosperous voyage If our friends would kindly interest through life; and would be glad to themselves in our circulation, each in- welcome them back to our list at any teresting some friend to become a time — more especially just now. While subscriber, our field of usefulness would old subscribers go, new ones come; be extended. Let every one who wishes and we heartily greet them, and sin- us well, immediately on the receipt of cerely hope to interest them during the of this number, forward his or her sub- coming year. We are compelled to scription for the coming year — that raise the price of the Granite Monthly will help so much — and very materially, from ^1.50 to $2.00 for twelve numbers To save time we have republished — from 15 to 20 cents for single copies; from the Bay State Monthly several but we shall maintain the old price articles this month. Patrons of both to our patrons who pay promptly in magazines we hope will excuse us this advance. time.
We have lately estabUshed a printing At the Boston Theatre for the past office of our own, and besides the print- three months the play of " Zanita " has ing of the Granite Monthly and Bay been performed. The scenic effect is State Monthly, we are prepared to do splendid. As one listens to the en- printing at prices that will please and trancing music and feast on the scenes surprise. of beauty which recall the Arabian
There has been a pressing demand for Nights," he can but ponder on the Bos-
theearly volumes of the Granite Monthly, ton of Winthrop, Edicott, Cotton, Ma-
and our compositors are already at ther, and the Puritans of ancient days,
work on volume I of the magazine. And in fancy he sees the " tything-man "
Elegant steel engravings, replacing the with long visage, watching the play and
crude wood-cuts originally used, and gravely applauding the corps de ballet
heavy paper will make the volume very in the fairy scenes, attractive. We are thus prepared t The obituray notices generally ap-
fill everybody's set, and are taking or- pearing in the December number have
ders accordingly. been reserved for the January number.
In the future, as in the past, the
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