Page:The Granite Monthly Volume 8.djvu/165

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The White and Francoiiia Aloiintains.


��and as we go up the trees become dwarfed to bushes, until as one emerges to the open space on the shoulder of the mountain a most impressive scene breaks upon him. An immense gulf lies beneath him, while ,before him tow- ers the lofty summit.

The morning or evening view from Moosilauke is grand in the extreme. The valley of the Connecticut for many miles is in view, through which winds the "long river" like a blue rib- bon. Over in Vermont are the Green

��which Mounts Washington and Lafayette are monarchs. To the north hes the Gardner range, and in the valley near at hand the sheltered community incorpor- ated by the name of Benton and over- looked by Mount Kinsman.

As the sun sinks below the western mountains, one stands in brilliant day- light, while the valleys below him are shrouded in the gloom of night ; when the sun has disappeared, darkness has come. One can well spend a night on the summit if only to behold the glori-


��Mountains, commanded by Mount Mans- field, while across the State and over Lake Champlain one catches a glimpse of the distant Adirondacks. In the south can be seen Ascutney and the mountains and lakes of central New Hampshire, while a distant peak beyond Monadnock may be Mount Wachuset in Massachusetts. To the eastward is massed an ocean of mountains, of

��ous sunrise in the morning. Before the dawn comes, one is on an island in an ocean of foam. The sun springs gladly from behind the hills on the eastern horizon, and scatters the early mists as by an enchanter's wand. As a matter of course there is a Tip Top House on Moosilauke, and a genial landlord.

Owl's Head the traveller passes on the right as he leaves Warren summit. Be-

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