Page:The Granite Monthly Volume 8.djvu/170

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��The White and Franconia Mountains.

��the top of which a carriage road has been constructed.

Following down the outlet of Profile Lake, the head-waters of the Pemige- wasset, one may visit with profit and pleasure Walker's Falls, the Basin, the Cascades, and the Flume. The Flume is one of those rifts in the solid rock caused by some titanic force in ages long since. For many years there hung

��Franconia is a fairyland of wonderful fascination; and the weary of body and mind, or the despondent and languid invalid, and no less the strong and healthy, will find their physical facul- ties invigorated, and the mind and soul elevated by a sojourn among the attractions of that lovely town. It was with the deepest regret that we turned from those delightful regions.


��suspended far up above the path a huge granite boulder. In 18S3 a sudden mountain storm caused a torrent to dash through the chasm, and the boulder be- came a subject for history. It disap- peared, thus partially explaining how it was originally lodged in its former rest- ing place. A short distance below the Flume are the Georgiana Falls, where the water descends for more than a hun- dred feet over a sheer precipice.

��Our time was not lost, for as \\'e pant and struggle in " life's ceaseless toil and endeavor," a thousand memories come to cheer us from those sojourns in this romantic and magnificent mountain land.

Again at Bethlehem Junction we fol- low the main thoroughfare through the mountains to the great chain of hotels of world-wide fame known as the Twin Mountain House, Fabyan's, and the

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