Page:The Granite Monthly Volume 8.djvu/238

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��Milfofd springs.

��itics, but for its excellence as a pure spring-water for table-use. The Com- j)any already have wholesale agents in Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Balti- more, and Cincinnati; aiid the demand is steadily increasing.


A chemical analysis of the " Pone- mah " water by John M. Ordway of the Massachusetts Institute of Tecljnology, gives the following results: —

��"Silica . Oxide of iron Carbonate of lime Carbonate of soda Sulphate of potash Chloride of sodium IVtagnesia (trace). Water, etc. .

Total per gallon

��1.2400 .O060 .3416 .2392 .0677

•195s .4800

��"This is therefore one of the purest of spring-waters; and I do not see that any water could be better for every-day table-use than this, as it comes from a spring highly charged with carbonic-acid gas."

The Ponemah Spring water will be- come celebrated, and must find a ready- sale, in years to come, throughout the United States. As a tonic it must become very popular.

The Hotel Ponemah ' opens in June, and closes late in October. The ele- vation is such that hay- fever is unknown, and there are no mosquitoes. The managers of the Boston and Lowell Railroad have so arranged the trains that businessmen can leave the hotel after breakfast, and reach Boston by 9 xm..; the express train making but two stops.

Next to June, the month of September is the most enjoyable in the country; for then the air is bracing and exhilarating, the land- scape is undergoing that wonderful change when the forest assumes the most gorgeous of colors,, and the cheerful fire on the hearth gives radiance to the rooms.

As a matter of course, the best way to test the virtues of the Milford Springs is to try their efficacy, surrounded by the many comforts afforded by Hotel Ponemah. Aside from the approach by railroad, it should be remembered that Hotel Ponemah can be reached from any part of New England by car- riage-roads, which, in the immediate

��3.033 grs. vicinity, are unrivalled for excellence.

��' The"ice and telegr.npli address of Hotel Ponemah is " Amherst Station, N.H."

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