Page:The Granite Monthly Volume 8.djvu/314

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��Concord, Neiv Hampshire.

��farm in the neighborhood has come into the market, it has been purchased by the trustees ; and its old or unique buildings quickly assume a certain nameless grace which stamps them as the property of St. Paul School. r>\"ery thing about the school is graceful and attractive : nothing offends the most critical eye. The physical charms of

��a formative process, transformed into a gentleman. The school has become immensely popular, and its accommo- dations are constantly taxed to the utmost. Fortunate indeed are the par- ents who have secured for their chil- dren an entrance to the school ; and established is the character of the youth which has the stamp of the reverend


��the place, however, have not drawn together three hundred young men and boys from homes of culture and afflu- ence in distant States. The attraction of the place must be looked for in the personality of the principal. In the school curriculum he places truthful- ness before Greek and Latin, obedience before mathematics. The character of the pupil is formed and trained, while the mind is being cultured. The in- tellect, sensibility, and will are here recognized ; and a cub of a boy is, by

��doctor's approval, shown by his gradu- ating at St. Paul. Thirty teachers form the corps of instructors ; most of them imbued with the spirit of the institu- tion from early training, and all work- ing together in perfect harmony.

In the heart of the city, there is much of interest to note. Here is the home of Abba Goold Woolson, whose poetic fancies and sterling criticism give value to her lectures on Shak- speare and early English literature. Here her husband, Moses Woolson. a

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