Page:The Granite Monthly Volume 8.djvu/349

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T>evofed to Literature, "Biography, History, and State Progress.

��Vol. VIII.


��Nos. XL, XII.


��The Fellows family settled in Brent- wood in the last century, and their de- scendants are there yet.

Stephen Fellows, the grandfather of Enoch, was born in Poplin, N.H. (now Freemont), Jan. 11, 1749 ,; was consta- ble and tax-collector, 1777 and 1783; moved to Brentwood, whence he moved to Sandwich in 1806. His occupation was that of a butcher and farmer, whose living came from hard work. But the whiff of war had its romance for him ; for when the rumor came during the Revolution, that the British were land- ing at Hampton Beach, he said he " nm forty bullets as quick as ever forty bul- lets were run," and mounting his horse, took his gun, and started for them. But the rumor proved to be untrue. He died Oct. 15, 1830.

John Fellows, the father of Enoch, was born in Poplin, Nov. 11, 1791, and went to Sandwich with his father, where he spent his life as farmer, carpenter, storekeeper, and, for amusement, cap- tain in the militia. He was a kind man, but austere and determined in his own belief. His Bible offered to an upright life a reward in heaven, but no particu-

��lar pleasure on earth : hence he did not think of pleasure here. His sons in- herited his strict honesty and firmness, but drew their geniality from their mother's family. He died July 3, 1869.

The maternal great-grandfather of Enoch was Aaron Quimby, who was born in Weare, N.H., July 22, 1733; was captain in the Revolution, just after which he moved to Sandwich, and held the first commission in the militia in Sandwich and Moultonborough as en- sign in an alarm <:ompany in 1787, with the rank of major. He had two chil- dren by his first wife, and ten by his second, and died in Sandwich in 18 10.

His son Enoch Quimby was born in Weare, March 23, 1769, and went to Sandwich with his father. He was a farmer, and lieutenant in the war of 1 8 1 2 . The daughter of Enoch Quimby, Mary J., married John Fellows, Nov. 16, 1815 ; and on the 20th of June, 1825, Enoch Q. Fellows was born in Sandwich.

Till seventeen years of age Col. Fel- lows attended the district schools and town academy when not at work.

He early determined to obtain an

��Copyright, 1885, by John N. McClintock.

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