Page:The Granite Monthly Volume 8.djvu/359

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Tilton, New HampsJiire.


��and healthful development of their faculties, giving them the best prep- aration for future duties and respon- sibilities. There are ten regular courses

��fully arranged with regard to the par- ticular object in view. The number of teachers is so large, that the pupils have the benefit of a specialist in each


��of study ; viz., the classical and belles- lettres of the Female College ; college preparatory ; Latin scientific ; profes- sional school preparatory ; English scientific ; industrial science ; commer- cial ; musical and art. Diplomas are awarded to those who complete either course. The courses are each care-

��department. The classical course is a full college course of four years, and entitles the young lady who satis- factorily completes it to the degree of M. L. A. The belles-lettres course is the same as the classical, with the omis- sion of the Latin. The college pre- paratory course enables one who com-

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