Page:The Granite Monthly Volume 8.djvu/365

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Tilton, New Hampshire.


��Ijeen an industrious and successful manufacturer, and is highly respected. He is an active member of the Con- gregationalist church. Mt. Horeb Commandery.

John Fletcher of the Granite Mills Company was born in Utley. near Keighley, Yorkshire, Eng., April 6, 1825, third of family of seven. Came to America in 1848. Taught music in Trenton, N.J., from 1850 to 1864, when he settled in Methuen one year; came to Tilton the fall after Mr. Ballantyne. Married in November, 1846. Has had four children : two daughters, both married ; and one son, Francis W. Fletcher, in the employment of the firm. Mr. Fletcher is churchorganist at Trinity Church. Lives in Nortlifield. Mt. Horeb Commandery.

2 Mr. Peabody was born in Sutton, Jan. 15, 1S39, but was brought to Sanbornton Bridge in 1843, where he was educated. Studied medicine with Dr. Seyfarth of Law- rence; but, before taking his degree, enlisted in 1862 in 40th Mass. Regt. Vols., and served in Quar. and Com. Dept. three years; returned and entered wholesale drug- store in Boston. Returned to Tilton in 1868, where he has since resided. Married, in 1867, Elizabeth S. Rich- ards of Bedford, Mass.; child, Isabella W. Peabody. Attends Congregationalist church. Mason, Mt. Horeb Commandery, Concord; Pythagorean Council, Laconia; St.Omer Chapter, Franklin; Doric Blue Lodge of Tilton.

3 Albert C. Lord, senior partner of the firm The Lord Brothers' Manufacturing Company, is a native of Tilton ; born July 30, 1832. Learned the trade of jeweller in the village ; commenced in a small way to manufacture specta- cles and eye-glasses and cases about 1875; enlarging in 187S. The firm employ thirty hands on an average, and do a large business. The goods are sold all over the United States and Canada. They make fifteen hundred to twenty-five hundred pairs a day, and have been very successful. The firm was organized in April, 1884.

George W. Lord came into the business in 1876. They built the block they occupy in 1877. They have one of the neatest jeweller's stores in New Hampshire, and carry a very large stock.

A. C. Lord married Alma W. Neal of Franklin, Sept. 15,1875. Has three children, boys. Attends the Meth- odist church.

George VV. Lord, born April 24, 1847, who carries on a drug-store in the same block, married Sept. 12, i85g, Mary E. B. Johnson of Northfield. One daughter.

The brothers attend the Methodist-Episcopal church.

  • He was born Aug. 6, 1816. Until the last twenty years

he was engaged in New Hampton, Gilford, and Bristol, for the most part in the second town, carrj'ing on a saw- mill. During the war he returned to Tilton, and built the three mills near the centre, and carries on the grist- mill himself. His son, George A. Copp, representative this year, carries on the saw-mill in Gilford. His two daughters are married and settled, — one in Tilton, one in Franklin.

Mr. Copp is a Mason, K. T. of Mt. Horeb Command- ery, and a member of the Lodge and Chapter Council of Laconia, of which he has been treasurer for many years. Odd Fellow.

5 Mr. Buell is a native of Newport, born Jan. 13, 1833; married, settled in Franklin in 1855, where he has since lived. For sixteen years he was in business with Walter Aiken, 1862-79. He purchased the power in February, 1880.

During the war he served one year in ist Mass. Vols. as a member of the band, 1861-62.

�� Mr. Dodge is the son of the late John W. Dodge of Hampton Falls, whose mother, when left a widow, con- ducted the Summit House of Mt. Washington for nine years. Mr. Dodge is a brother-in-law of Walter Aiken, with whom he learned the business. He was born July 19, 1862.

7Mr. Cass is a native of Andover; born Feb. 7, 1826. He has been moderator and town treasurer, but has not had time to accept other offices tendered to him. Mr. Cass married Mary E. Locke of Concord. Four children, two living; the son, Arthur T. Cass, assisting his father, after having prepared for college. The daugh- ter, Minnie A. Cass, is in the junior class, Boston Uni- versity.

8 Herbert C. Boynton is a native of Thornton, born Aug. II, 1852. When twenty-one years of age, he came to Tilton, and entered the employ of Hill & Philbrick. In October, 1S80, he went into business with Andrew B. Davis, whom he bought out in April, 1S85. He married, May 10, 1881, Emma Davis. They attend the Congre- gational church.

9 Mr. Taylor is a native of Sutton; born June i, 1829; settled in Tilton in 1843. In 1850 went into busi- ness with Amos Dodge, afterwards of Concord, and con- tinued for two years, when, on account of his father's ill health, he went on to a farm, and kept at farming for eight years. In 1858 went into business with Henry T Hill, now of Manchester, the firm continuing until 1869; since which date he has been in business for himself. Married, in 1851, Lydia J. Proctor of Franklin. Chil- dren, Sidney W. Taylor and Harry Taylor: the elder in the employ of his father; the youngest graduated at West Point in June, 1884, sixth in his class, and is Second Lieutenant of Engineers, now stationed at Willet's Point, N.Y. Attends Episcopal church. Representative from Sanbornton, 1867-68; town treasurer of Tilton; State Senate, 1885.

JO The brothers Joseph Hill and William P. Hill were natives of Mount Vernon. Joseph Hill came to Tilton about 1845; William P. Hill, about 1852. About 1857 they formed a partnership which continued for fif- teen years. Together they built the fine business block near the centre of the village. Since 1872, W. P. Hill has carried on the provision business in a block east of the brick block, which was also erected by the firm. His son, Herbert W. Hill, is with his father in busi- ness.

tt William P. Fletcher was born in Ballardvile, Mass., Oct. 21, 1855. Married Kate Barnes, and has one child.

The firm do a large business in this and adjoining towns.

12 Mr. Sanborn is a native of Colebrook; learned the business with Webster, Russell, & Co., of Plymouth; was with them eight years. Started in business in Tilton in March, 1884. He married, Oct. 30, 1883, Julia E. Hobart of Plymouth.

'3 Mr. Enoch G. Philbrick, a native of the town, born July 7, 1841, commenced business at the east part of the town in 1867, and moved to the village in 1870. He married, Aug. 3, 1864, Ann Hill, daughter of Benjamin Hill of Northfield; a Mason and a Congregationalist; two children.

'•* Mr. Frank Hill is a native of Northfield; born Nov. 29, 1849. Married, May 22, 1872, Clara C. Scrib- ner of Northfield; a Mason; Methodist; and has one child.

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