Page:The Granite Monthly Volume 8.djvu/388

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��The Raikvay Mail Service.

��feet in length ; with this in view, we will make a trip in one. A permit to ride in the car, signed by the superin- tendent of the division of the service, is necessary to allow us the privilege ; and it is also required of clerks belonging to other hnes. This rule is necessary, in order that the clerks may perform their work uninterruptedly and correctly ; and also to exclude unauthorized persons

��the car is fitted up wth a carefully- studied economy of space, upon plans made under the supervision of the superintendent of the division, or chief clerk of the line. Occupying one end of the car are cases of pigeon-holes, or boxes, numbering from six hundred to one thousand, arranged in the shape of a horse-shoe, for the distribution of letters. These boxes are labeled with


��from mail apartments. After a hasty exchange of salutations with the four clerks, the " clerk in charge " notes our names on his " trip report," and we are assigned a spot in the contracted space, where, we are assured, we will be undis- turbed, at least for a while. The trip report mentioned is used in noting connections missed, and other irregular- ities that may occur. The interior of

��the names of the post-offices on the line of road, connecting lines, States, and prominent cities and towns throughout the country. A long, narrow aisle passes through the centre of the car, on both sides of which are racks for open sacks and pouches, into which packages of letters and pieces of other mail mat- ter are thrown ; on the sides above are rows of suspended pouches, with theii

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