Page:The Granite Monthly Volume 9.djvu/164

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��TJic Boundary Lines of Old Grot on. — ///.

��House for publick Worship be placed two Hundred and forty eight Rods distant from Mr. John Tyng's North-East Corner, to run from said Corner North fifty two De- grees West, or as near that Place as the Land will admit of.

Sent down for Concurrence.

Read and concur'd with the Amend- ment, viz. instead of those Words, . . . And it is further Ordered, That the House for publick Worship be. . . insert the fol- lowing Words . . . Provided that within one Year a House for the publick Worship of GOD be erected, and . . .

Sent up for Concurrence.

[Journal of the House of Representatives (page a6). June 6, 1747.]

To his Excellency William Shirley Esquire Captain General and Governour in Chief in and over his Majestys Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England The Rouble : the Council and HonWe : House of Representatives of the said Province in General Court Assembled at Boston the 31st. of May 1749.

The petition of the Inhabitants of the Town of Dunstable in the Province of the Massachusetts Bay

Most Humbly Shew

That in the Year 1747, that part of Not- tingham which lyes within this Govern- ment and part of the Town of Groton Called Joint Grass preferred two petitions to this Great and Hon^ie ; Court praying that they might be Annexed to the Town of Dunstable which petitions Your Excel- lency and Honours were pleased to Grant upon Conditions that a meeting house for the Publick Worship of God should be built two hundred and forty Eight Rods 52 Degs : West of the North from North East Corner of Mr. John Tyngs land But the Inhabitants of the Town Apprehending Your Excellency and Honours were not fully Acquainted with the Inconveniencys that would Attend placeing the Meeting House there Soon after Convened in Pub- lick Town Meeting Legally Called to Con- clude upon a place for fixing said meeting house where it vyould best Accommodate all the Inhabitants at which meeting pro-

��posals were made by some of the Inhab- itants to take the Advice and Assistance of three men of other Towns which pro- posal was Accepted by the Town and they accordingly made Choice of The HonWe : James Minot Esq"". Maj"" : Lawrence and M"". Brewer and then Adjourned the Meeting.

That the said Gentlemen mett at the Towns Request and Determined upon a

��place for fixing the said



��which was approved of by the Town and they Accordingly Voted to Raise the sum of one hundred pounds towards defreying the Charge of Building the said House But Upon Reviewing the Spot pitched upon as aforesaid many of the Inhabitants Appre- hended it was more to the southward than the Committee Intended it should be And thereupon a Meeting was Called on the Twenty Sixth day of May last when the Town voted to Build the meeting house on the East side of the Road that leads from Cap' : Cummings's to M^ Simon Tompsons where some part of the Timber now lyes being about Forty Rods North- ward of Isaac Colburns house which they Apprehended to be the Spot of Ground the Committee Intended to fix upon.

And for as much as the place Last Voted by the Town to Build their meeting house upon will best Accommodate all the In- habitants,

Your pefs. therefore most humbly pray Your Excellency and Honours would be pleased to Confirm the said Vote of the Town of the 26'^ : day of May last and order the meeting Iwuse for the Publick Worship of God to be Erected on the peice of Ground aforementioned.

And in duty bound they will ever pray &c

Simon tompson 1 Comtee for the Eben Parkhurst \ Town of Dunstable

[Massachusetts Archives, cxv, 507, 508.]

The Committee appointed on the Peti- tion of a Committee for the Town of Dtm- stable, reported according to Order.

Read and accepted, and thereupon the following Order pass'd, viz. In as imcch as the House for the publick Worship of

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