Page:The Granite Monthly Volume 9.djvu/170

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��The Boundary Lines of Old Grot on. — ///.

��been incorrectly stated by writers that tliis triangular parcel of land was the gore ceded, in the summer of 1736, to the proprietors of Groton, on the peti- tion of Benjamin Prescott. The doc- uments relating to this matter are as follows : —

To his Honnor Spencer Pliipes Esq"" CajDt Geniorl and Commander In Cheaf in and ouer his majists prouince of the Mas- sachusets Bay in New england and to The Honbie his majestys Counsel and House of Representatiues In Geniral Courte assam- bled at Boston The 26 of December 1751

The Petition of Peleg Lawrance Jarimah Lawrance and william Prescott a Cumttee. for the Second Parish In Groton in The County of Middle sikes.

Humbly Shew That Theare is a strip of Land of about fiue or six hundred acors Lys ajoyning To The Town of Groton which be Longs To the town of Dun- stable the said strip of land Lys near fouer mill in Length and bounds on the North Line of the said second Parrish in Groton and on the South Side of New- hampsher Line which Peeace by Runing the sd Line of Newhampsher was Intierly Cut off" from the town of Dunstable from Receueing any Priuelidge their for it Lys not Less then aboute Eight mill from the Senter of the town of Dunstable and but about two mill and a half from the meeting house in the said second Parish in Groton so that they that settel on the sd Strip of Land may be much beter acommadated to be Joyned to ye town of Groton and to the sd second Parish than Euer thay Can any other way in this Prouince and the town of Dunstable being well sencable thare of haue at thare town meeting on the 19 Day of December Currant voted of the sd Strip of Land allso James Colburn who now Lines on sd Strip Land from the town of Dunstable to be annexed to the town of Groton and to the sd second Parish in sd town and the second Parish haue aCord- ingly voted to Recue the same all which may appear by the vote of sd Dunstable

��and said Parish which will be of Grate advantige to the owners of the sd. strip of Land and a benefit to the said second Parish in Groton so that your Petitioners Humbly Pray that the sd. strip of Land may be annexed to the said second Parish in Groton so far as Groton Nor west corner to do Duty and Recue Priulidge theare and your petionrs In Duty bound shall Euer


Peleg Lawrence Willm Prescott Jeremiah Lawrence

Dunstable December 24 1751

this may Certifye the Grate and Genirol

Courte that I Line on the slip of Land

within mentioned and it tis my Desier that

the prayer of this Petition be Granted

James Colburn In the House of Reptives JanT 4. 1752 Voted that the prayer of the Petition be so farr granted that the said strip of Land prayed for, that is the Jurisdiction of it be Annex'd to the Town of Groton & to y^ Second Precinct in said Town & to do dutys there & to recieve Priviledges from them.

Sent up for Concurrence

T. Hubbard Spkr.

In Council Jany 6. 1752 Read & Con- cur'd

J Willard Secry. Consented to

S Phips

[Massachusetts Archives, cxvi, 162, 163. 1

The west parish of Groton was made a district on April 12, 1753, the day the Act was signed by the Governor, which was a second step toward its final and complete separation. It then took the name of Pepperell, and was vested with still broader political powers. It was so called after Sir William Pepperrell, who had successfully commanded the New England troops against Louisburg ; and the name was suggested, doubtless, by the Reverend Joseph Emerson, the first settled minister of the parish. He had accompanied that famous expedition in

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