Page:The Granite Monthly Volume 9.djvu/235

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A NEW HAMPSHIRE MAGAZINE. 'Devoted to Literature, T^iographv, History, ami State Progress.

��Vol. IX. - AUGUST, r8S6. No. 8.



��The Prohibition party of the State of of Representatives from 1807 to 18 10,

New Hampshire in convention assem- in 1812, 1814 and 1815, was in the

bled, in July, 1886, duly chose as their State Senate in 18 18, 18 19 and 1820,

candidate for governor of the common- and was one of the Presidential electors

wealth Colonel Joseph Wentworth, of in 18 16. He died in Dover January

Concord. 28, 1826. Abigal Cogswell, his wife,

The Prohibition party, like the anti- died February 14, 1828. Their daugh- slavery party of ank bellum days, is ter, Lydia C, above named, was born composed of men who are banded to- in Dover, May 30, 1793, and died in gether to enforce a great moral reform, Concord, N. H., August 24, 1872. the suppression of the liquor traffic. His paternal great grandfather. Judge They see on every hand the evil of in- John Wentworth, presided at the Rev- temperance, the curse of rum, more olutionary Convention in New Hamp- baneful and fatal than slavery. The shire. His grandfather, John Went- rank and file of the party have been re- worth, Jr., was a member of the Con- cruited from both of the great political tinental Congress, organizations, from among men of all His father, Paul Wentworth, was born creeds ; and they are determined to per- in Dover, N. H., April 22, 1782; was severe in a course they think to be married March 30, 18 14. He was a right until they are finally successful in successful merchant for several years at enforcing their ideas. Dover, but soon after his marriage he

Col. Joseph Wentworth was born in removed to Sandwich, N. H., where he Sandwich, N. H., January 30, 1818. had eight children born, four of whom His parents, Paul and Lydia C- Went- now survive, to wit : Hon. John Went- worth, were both descendants of Ezek- worth, of Chicago, Joseph, aforenamed, iel, son of Elder William Wentworth. Samuel H. Wentworth, attorney-at-law His maternal grandfather, Col. Amos in Boston, and Mrs. Mary F. (Went- Cogswell, served through the entire war worth) Porter, of Boston, of the Revolution. He represented He was representative in the Legis- Dovcr in the New Hampshire House lature from Sandwich in 1831, 1832,

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