Page:The Granite Monthly Volume 9.djvu/237

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Col. Joseph Wentworth.

having those truths early instilled into his youthful mind by the pious teachings of a beloved father and mother, and is at present a constant attendant of Rev. Dr. Crane's church of his adopted city. On the sacred teachings of the holy scriptures he, when a young man, founded his faith, and on that faith he is perfectly willing to rest his eternal future. If the Prohibition party is successful in the contest with its two opponents and elects Col. Wentworth for the next governor of New Hampshire, the citizens of the Slate will have a governor in whom they will take pride. He will honor the office and do his whole duty.


While the outside world are being slowly enlightened as to the advantages to be secured by using "The Concord Harness," the Standard Harness of America, manufactured only by the old and reliable firm of James R. Hill & Co., of Concord, New Hampshire, the people of our own State should fully appreciate the advantages of having in the most central location in the commonwealth a firm which caters so directly to the welfare and peace of mind of the travelling public as to furnish a harness that can be depended upon implicitly under any and all circumstances.


Constant Reader. Of course it is so. We try to have only the best stores represented in our advertisements, and when E. W. Willard & Co. say they have the best line of garments in New Hampshire, you would do well to call at their store and see if it is not just as they say. Read their advertisement in this number.