Page:The Granite Monthly Volume 9.djvu/246

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��Colonel Albert A. Pope.

���Eesidence of Col. Ai Ai Pope, Newton, Mass

��He cherishes the most tender mem- ories of his mother, who died in 1885. To him she was the noblest and truest woman who ever lived. She was a woman of large intelligence, reading on all subjects that her chil- dren were interested in, always progres- sive, and ready to discuss any subject of interest to them. She taught habits

��of economy and taught him to be ord- erly and methodical. To her he attrib- utes his success in life.

He was married September 20, 1871, to Abbie Linder, of Newton, whose fa- ther, George Linder, was one of the well known merchants of Boston. Four children, three boys and one girl, bless their home.


��"The Story of a Timid Brave " is a very exciting and thrilling one. The scene is laid at the far West, on the very frontier of civilization, and is a very vivid and graphic description of life among the Indians and cowboys and first set- tlers. It brings out in glaring light the

��wrongs and iniquities practiced upon the Indians at some of the Agencies of the Government. It sheds not a little light on the Indian question, and the origin and cause of some of our Indian wars. It is a story of thrilling inter- est.

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