Page:The Granite Monthly Volume 9.djvu/296

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272 Grototi Plantation.


The description of the original grant Of the first hne, about three-quarters

of Dunstable has been twice printed, of an inch is gone, and near the mid-

but with so many inaccuracies and in- die of the edge probably an inch and

terpolations, that I am constrained to a quarter is also gone. Without at-

print it again for the third time. ' The tempting to supply the missing letters

original copy, in the handwriting of or words, I have placed brackets thus

Jonathan Danforth, surveyor, is found [ ] to indicate them, which in

on the first page of the earliest book some lines are very evident. The fol-

of Dunstable town records, now in the lowing copy was made by me with

possession of the city of Nashua. The much care on June 5, 1885, and it is

leaf on which it is written is much here given line for line with the

torn and worn near the front edge, original : —


It Lieth on both sids merimack Riuer on the n[ ]

Riuer it is bounded by Chelmsford on the south by[ ]

partly by Cuntry land the Line runing from the boun[ ]

du north Ten mile untill you Come to Souhegon Riuer [ ]

Called dram Cup hill to a great Pine ny toy said Riuer: a[ ]

of Charlstown Scoole farm bounded by Souhegon Riuer North and on the east Sid merrimacke: It begins at a great che[ ]

corner of which was supposed to be near the northern M Brintons land

and from thence it runs sou south east six miles to a Pine [ ]

with : F : standinge within sight of Beauer Broke

It Runs two degres west from the tits south four mile and ouer [ ]

which reached to the tc=lhc=iC=iJie south side of henery [ ]

ffarme at Jeremies Hill then from y*^ South-East angell of [ ]

it runs two degres and a quartor westward of the south [ ]

of the long Pond which lieth at y^ head of Edward Co[ ]

And thus it is Bounded by the said Pond and the head of th[ ]

Takeinge in Captaine Scarlets farme to that bou[ ]

All which is sofficiantly Bounded and described [ ]

danforth Suruayer : 3*?: 1674:


The map of Old Dunstable, between have tended to confuse the author's pages 12 and 13 in Fox's History of ideas. The southern boundary of Dun- that town, is very incorrect, so far as it stable was by no means a straight line, relates to the boundaries of Groton. but was made to conform in part to the The Squannacook River is put down as northern boundary of Groton, which the Nissitissett, and this mistake may was somewhat angular. Groton was

' From The Boundary Line of Old Groton, by Hon. Samuel A. Green, M.D. Groton, Mass., 1885.

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