Page:The Granite Monthly Volume 9.djvu/309

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Esoteric Bicddhistn. — A Review.


��3. Timothy Abbot, eldest son of Timothy and Hannah (Graves) Abbott, was born July i, 1663 ; lived with his father in the garrison-house ; was industrious, honest, useful, and respected. He married in December, 1717, Mary Foster, and died July 10, 1766.

4. Nathan Abbot, third son and sixth child of Timothy and Mary (Foster) Abbot, was born January 18, 1729 ; married, in 1759, Jane Paul.

5. Caleb Abbot, son of Nathan and Jane (Paul) Abbot, married, in 1779, Luc-y Lovejoy, who died February 21, 1802 ; he married (2) Deborah Baker; he died 1819.

6. Caleb Abbott, son of Caleb and Lucy (Lovejoy) Abbot, was born November 10, 1779; settled in Chelmsford; married Mercy Fletcher (daughter of Josiah Fletcher), who died in 1834; he died December 5, 1846.

7. Josiah Gardner Abbott, second son and fourth child of Caleb and Mercy (Fletcher) Abbott, was born November i, 1814. In 1838, he married Caroline Livermore, daughter of the Honorable Edward St. Loe Livermore, and grand- daughter of the Honorable Samuel Livermore, of New Hampshire. Their children are : —

I. Carohne Marcy Abbott, born April 25, 1839 ; married April 19, 1869; and died in May, 1872, leaving one daughter, Caroline Derby, born in April, 1872.

��II. Edward Gardner Abbott, born in Lowell. September 29, 1840 ; was killed in battle August 9, 1862.

III. Henry Livermore Abbott, born January 21, 1842 ; was killed in battle May 6, 1864.

IV. Fletcher Morton Abbott, born February 18, 1843-

V. William Stackpole Abbott, born Novemlier 18, 1844 ; died May 6, 1846.

VI. Samuel Appleton Browne Abbott, born March 6, 1846 ; married October 15, 1873, Abby F'rancis Woods, and has four children.

(a) Helen Francis Abbott, born July 29, 1874.

(b) Madeline Abbott, born November 2, 1876.

(c) Francis Abbott, born September 8, 1878. {d) Caroline Livermore Abbott, born April 25,


VII. Sarah Livermore Abbott, born May 14, 1850 ; married October 12, 1870, William P. Fay, and has three children. ^

(a) Richard Sullivan Fay, born in July, 1871. (^) Catherine Fay, born in September, 1872. (c) Edward Henry Fay, born in 1876.

VIII. Franklin Pierce Abbott, born May 6, 1842.

IX. Arthur St. Loe Livermore Abbott, born November 6, 1853 ; died March 28, 1863.

X. Grafton, born November 14, 1856.

XI. Holker Welch Abbott, born February 28, 1858. EDITOR.]


By Lucius H. Buckingham, Ph.D.

��Those who have read Sinnett's Esoteric Buddhism will probably agree on one point, namely : that, whether the statements of the book be true or false, the book, as a whole, is a great stimulant of thought. The European world has looked upon Indian philosophy as mere dreams, idle speculations, built only on a foundation of metaphysical subtle- ties. Here comes a book which, going down to the root of the whole matter, claims that, instead of resting on mere imaginations, this whole structure of Buddhistic philosophy has, as its corner- stone, certain facts which have been preserved from the wrecks of a time earlier than that which our grandfathers

��ascribe to the creation of the world, and handed down without interruption from eras of civilization of which the earth at present does not retain even the ruins. Such a claim of antiquity rouses an interest in our minds, were it only for its stupendous contempt of common belief.

There is one direction in which the book so harmonizes with one's specula- tions that it makes upon us a very peculiar impression. It carries out the theory of human development, physical and metaphysical. Darwin's idea of the origin of the human animal, in connection with the doctrine of the survival of the fittest, might, if one had

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