Page:The Granite Monthly Volume 9.djvu/360

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W. Bonham, from 1857 to 1860; the Reverend George F. Warren, from 1860 to 1867; the Reverend F. R. Morse, from 1867 to 1870; the Reverend D.


H. Miller, d.d., from 1870 to 1873; the Reverend E. A. Lecompte, in 1873. The present pastor is the Reverend John C. Emery.

In 1831, the St. Patrick's Roman Catholic Church was erected, but was replaced in 1854 by the present more spacious edifice. The church was consecrated October 29, 1854, by Bishop Fitzpatrick, of Boston, and Bishop O'Riley, of Hartford. The pastors have been the Reverend John Mahoney, the Reverend Peter Connelly, the Reverend James T. McDermott, the Reverend Henry J. Tucker, and the Reverend John O'Brien.

In 1833, a free church of the Christian denomination was organized under the ministry of the Reverend Timothy Cole. The experiment proved a failure and the building was afterwards converted to the uses of an armory.

The Freewill Baptist Church was organized in 1834, and in 1837 a spacious edifice was erected. Through mismanagement the society came to grief and the building was used for commercial purposes. In 1853, the society built another edifice on Paige Street. The pastors of this church have been the Reverend Nathaniel Thurston, the Reverend Jonathan Woodman, the Reverend Silas Curtis, the Reverend A. K. Moulton, the Reverend J. B. Davis, the Reverend Darwin Mott, the Reverend George W. Bean, the Reverend J. B. Drew, the Reverend D. A. Marham, the Reverend J. E. Dame, and the Reverend E. W. Porter.

The Second Universalist Church was organized in 1836, and their house was built the following year. The pastors


of this church have been the Reverend Z. Thompson, from 1837 to 1839; the Reverend Abel C. Thomas, from 1839 to 1842; the Reverend A. A. Miner, d.d., from 1842 to 1848; the Reverend L. J. Fletcher; the Reverend L.