Page:The Granite Monthly Volume 9.djvu/371

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Banks and Bankers of Concord.


��Eoberts, Ebenezer Symmes, Asa Fow- ler, and Eiios Blake. vSamuel But- terfield, the first president, was suc- ceeded in 1860 by Hall Roberts ; in 1862. by John V. Barron ; and in 1878, by Lewis Downing, Jr. Edson Hill, the first cashier, was succeeded in 1858 by Jonas D. Sleeper ; in 1859, by Preston S. Smith; in 1872, by Henry J. Crippen ; in 1882, by Josiah E. Fern aid.

The bank was reorganized as a na- tional bank January 2, 1865, when John V. Barron, Robert N". Corning, James Peverly, Jonas D. Sleeper, and James S. Norris were directors. The present board of directors are Lewis Downing, Jr., James S. Norris, Ly- man D. Stevens, J. Everett Sargent, John FI. Pearson, John F. Jones, and Henry J. Crippen.

The capital stock is -8200,000. The surplus fund and undivided profits amount to over $104,000. The de- posits amount to over $300,000.


the cashier, son of Josiah and Mary E. (Austin) Fernald, was born in Loudon, N. H., June 16, 1856. He received his education at the Pitts- field academy. He came to Concord March 22, 1875, and took the place of messenger and clerk in the Na- tional State Capital Bank. He was appointed cashier February 20, 1882. He was married December 8, 1880, to Anna, daughter of Curtis White, of Concord. Their union has been blessed by two children, Edith and Mary Fernald. Mr. Fernald is a member of the First Baptist church, and is an active, conscientious, pub- lic-spirited, and useful citizen.


was organized in March, 1864. Asa Fowler, Enos Blake, Edward H. Rol- lins, William AYalker, Benning W. .Sanborn, George A. Pillsbury, and Moses Humphrey were the first direc- tors. Judge Fowler and Messrs. Rollins and Pillsbury have been pre- viously mentioned in these pages. Asa Fowler, the first president, was succeeded in 1867 by George A. Pills- bury ; in 1878, by A. C. Pierce ; in December, 1882, by William M. Chase; in 1885, by William F. Thayer. Woodbridge Odlin, the first cashier, held his position but one month, resigning to accept the ap- pointment of assessor of internal rev- enue. He was succeeded by William W. Storrs, who in 1874 was suc- ceeded by William F. Thayer.


is now cashier. Mr. Remick, son of Granville L. and Judith F. (Stevens) Remick, was born October 6, 1848, in Pittsfield, was educated in the common schools of Pittsfield and Coneord and one year at the Chan- dler Scientific school at Hanover, and settled in Concord in 1863. He waa a clerk in the Concord post-oflflce one year, a clerk in the adjutant-general's office two years, was out West and South nearly six years, and returned to Concord in December, 1874, and took a position in the First National Bank.

He was assistant cashier for several years, and was appointed cashier in .January, 1886.


president of the First National Bank, was born in Kingston, N. H. His

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