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Historical Sketch of Lancaster, N.H.

prominence were,—of physicians, Drs. Benjamin Hawking, Samuel Legro, Eliphalet Lyman, J. E. Stickney, and J. W. Barney; of lawyers, S. A. Pearson, Hon. J. W. Williams, Wm. Farrar, C. J. Stuart, Levi Barnard, Gen. Ira Young, Turner Stephenson, John S. Wells, H. A. Fletcher, and William Burns.

The merchants were represented by Ths. Carlisle, Wm. Cargill, Benj. Boardman, Wm. Sampson, Royal Joyslin, and R. P. Kent. The farmers and mechanics by John H. White, David Burnside, Ephraim Cross (father of the lamented Col. E. E. Cross), Warren Porter, Josiah Bellows, Benja. Stephenson, and others, now all gone to the "sleep which knows no waking;" but the descendants of these men are to be found all over our land, in Old Virginia, among the orange groves of Florida, all along the "golden coast where reigns perpetual summer," in the mines and on the ranches of California, along the Pacific slope where the Oregon pours its waters, in Alaska's remotest bounds, on the broad prairies and in the teeming cities of the West, in the Empire state, and wherever enterprise and energy are needed, there they are engaged in all honorable professions and pursuits, while of others their sad requiem is being sung through the pines and groves by the whispering winds on many a Southern battle-field.

The Lancaster that now is will occupy the remainder of this paper.

From every point of view the location is beautiful, and the general air of neatness which pervades the town is due very much, perhaps, to its grand and beautiful surroundings. Its business and its wealth have very much increased since the completion of the White Mountains Railroad in 1870. Business has been stimulated by the advantages it affords, and traffic of every kind has been very much increased without marring the beauties of nature, or demoralizing the business men engaged in it. To-day the principal business firms are represented by a class of men who stand well in all the moral and social relations of life, who while endeavoring to add to their fortunes and fame, are also doing much to make the town better in all its features.

The clergymen are all men of culture, men who have broad and advanced views of life and its duties, and who by precept and example are leading the people to a higher plane of thought and action. The Orthodox Congregational society has for pastor Rev. Sydney A. Burnaby; the Methodist, Rev. A. C. Coult; the Unitarian, Rev. James B. Morrison; the Episcopal, Rev. E. P. Little; the Catholic, Rev. H. A. Lessard.

Lancaster academy is presided over by Prof. D. T. Timberlake, and a good work in the cause of education is going on under his supervision.

Our physicians are Drs. Ezra Mitchell, E. D. Stockwell, D. L. Jones, and F. Spooner; and two dentists,—Drs. S. L. Wellington and O. H. Kimball.

Our lawyers stand as well before the bar of the state as any who make the profession their business. The oldest member of the fraternity is Hon. Wm. Heywood, who has been called the honest lawyer, and associated with him is his son, Henry Heywood. Mr. Heywood is a native of Concord, Vt., a town sequestered