Page:The Granite Monthly Volume 9.djvu/69

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The Boicndary Lines of Old Grot on. — //.


��Petition of Benjamin Prescot, Esq; in behalf of the Proprietors of Groton, made report, which was read and accepted, and in answer to this Petition, Voted, That a Grant of ten tliousand eight hundred acres of the Lands lying in the Gore between Dunstable and Townshend, be and hereby is made to the Proprietors of the Town of Groton, as an equivalent for what was taken from them by Littleton and Coyachus or Willard^s Farm (being about two acres and a half for one) and is in full satisfac- tion thereof, and that the said Proprietors be and hereby are allowed and impowred by a Sun-eyor and Chain-men on Oath to survey and lay out the said ten thousand eight hundred acres in the said Gore, and return a Plat thereof to this Court within twelve months for confirmation to them their heirs and assigns respectively.

Sent up for Concurrence.

[Journal of the House of Representatives, December 12. 1734. page 119.]

The proprietors of Groton had a year's time allowed them, in which they could lay out the grant, but they appear to have taken fifteen months for the purpose. The record of the grant is as follows : —

A Memorial of Benja Prescott Esq : Representa of the Town of Groton in behalf of the Proprietors there, praying that the Votes of the House on his Me- morial & a plat of Ten Thousand Eight hundred Acres of Land, lately Granted to the said Proprietors, as Entred in the House the 25 of March last, may be Revived and Granted, The bounds of which Tract of Land as Mentioned on the said Plat are as follows vizt. : beginins: at the North West Corner of Dunstable at Dram Cup hill by Sohegan River and Runing South in Dunstable line last Perambulated and Run by a Comtee of the General Court, two Thousand one hundred & fifty two poles to Townshend line, there making an angle, and Runing West 31 1-2 Deg. North on Townshend line & province Land Two Thousand and Fifty Six poles to a Pillar of Stones then turning

��and Runing by Province Land 31 1-2 deg North two Thousand & forty Eight poles to Dunstable Corner first mentioned

In the House of Representa. Read & Ordered that the prayer of the Memorial be Granted, and further that the within Plat as Reformed and Altered by Jonas Houghton Survey, be and hereby is accepted and the Lands therein Delineated and Described (Excepting the said One Thousand Acres belonging to Cambridge School Farm and therein included) be and hereby are Confirmed to the Proprietors of the Town of Groton their heirs and Assignes Respectivly forever. According to their Several Interests ; Provided the same do not interfere with any former Grant of this Court nor Exceeds the Quantity of Eleven thousand and Eight hundred Acres and the Committee for the Town of Ipswich are Allowed and Impowred to lay out such quantity of Land on their West line as is Equivalent to what is taken off their East line as afore- said, and Return a plat thereof to this Court within twelve Months for confirma- tion. In Council Read & Concurred. Consented to J Belcher

And in Answer to the said Memorial of Benja Prescott Esq""

In the House of Representa. Ordered that the prayer of the Memorial be Granted and the Comt^e. for the new Township Granted to some of the In- habitants of Ipswich are hereby Allowed to lay out an Equivalent on the West line of the said New Township Accordingly.

In Council Read & Concurr'd

Consented to J Belcher

[General Court Records (xvi, 334), June 15, 1736, m the oflSce of the secretary of state.]

This grant, now made to the pro- prietors of Groton, interfered with the territory previously given on April, 1 735, to certain inhabitants of Ipswich, but the mistake was soon rectified, as appears by the following : —

Voted, That one thousand seven hundred Acres of the unappropriated Lands of the Province be and hereby is given and

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