Page:The Grave, a poem, 1808 (1903).djvu/38

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Till out of breath he overtakes his^ fellows 5
Who gather round, and wonder at the tale
Of horrid appari tion, tall and ghastly,
That walks at dead of night, or takes his stand
O'er some new open'd grave; and, strange to
ETanishes at crowing of the cock !
The new-made widow too I've sometimes
(Sad sight!) slow moving o'er the prostrate
Listless she crawls along in doleful black,
While bursts of sorrow gush from either eye.
Fast falling down her now untasted cheek.
Prone on the lowly grave of the dear man
She drops ; while busy meddling memory.
In barbarous succession, musters up
The past endearments of their softer hours,
Tenacious of its theme. Still, still she thinks
She sees him, and, indulging the fond thought,
Clings yet more closely to the senseless turf.
Nor heeds the passenger who looks that way.

Invidious Grave! how dost thou rend in
Whom love has knit, and sympathy made one !
A tie more stubborn far than nature's band.
Friendship ! mysterious cement of the soul !