Page:The Great Encyclical Letters of Pope Leo XIII.djvu/206

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always a something by way of reproach against the su- preme Pontiff. The prudence of men of this cast is of that kind which is termed by the Apostle Paul wisdom of the flesh and death of the soul, because it is not subject to the law of God, neither can it be} Nothing is less calculated to amend such ills than prudence of this kind. For the enemies of the Church have for their object — and they hesitate not to proclaim it, and many among them boast of it — to destroy outright, if possible, the Catholic religion, which is alone the true rehgion. With such a purpose in hand they shrink from nothing ; for they are fully conscious that the more faint-hearted those who withstand them become, the more easy will it be to work out their wicked will. Therefore they who cherish the prudence of the flesh and who pretend to be unaware that every Christian ought to be a valiant soldier of Christ; they who would fain obtain the rewards owing to conquerors, while they are leading the lives of cowards, untouched in the fight, are so far from thwarting the onward march of the evil- disposed that, on the contrary, they even help it forward. On the other hand, not a few, impelled by a false zeal, or — what is more blameworthy still — affecting sentiments which their conduct belies, take upon themselves to act a part which does not belong to them. They would fain see the Church's mode of action influenced by their ideas and their judgment to such an extent that everything done otherwise they take ill or accept with repugnance. Some, yet again, expend their energies in fruitless con- tention, being worthy of blame equally with the former. To act in such manner is not to follow lawful authority but to forestall it, and. unauthorized, assume the duties of the spiritual rulers, to the great detriment of the order which God established in His Church to be observed forever, and which He does not permit to be violated with impunity by any one, whoever he may be.

  • The wisdom of the flesh is an enemy to God; for it is not sub-

ject to the law of God, neither can it be. — Rom. viii. 6, 7