Page:The Great Encyclical Letters of Pope Leo XIII.djvu/254

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tian charity which is the fulfilling of the whole Gospel law, which is always ready to sacrifice itself for others' sake, and is man's surest antidote against worldly pride and immoderate love of self; that charity whose ofl&ce is described and whose Godlike features are outlined by the Apostle St. Paul in these words: Charity is patient, is kind, . . . seeketh not her own, . . . . suffereth all things, . . . endureth all things.[1]

On each one of you, Venerable Brothers, and on your clergy and people, as an earnest of God's mercy and a mark of Our affection. We, lovingly in the Lord, bestow the Apostolic Benediction.

  1. 1 Cor. xiii. 4-7.