Page:The Great Encyclical Letters of Pope Leo XIII.djvu/444

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of the Holy Ghost that He is the Gift of the Father and the Son. Now the remission of sins is given by the Holy Ghost as by the Gift of God. '! * Concerning this Spirit the words of the hturgy are very expUcit: "For He is the remission of all sins. " ^ How He should be invoked is clearly taught by the Church, who addresses Him in humble supplication, calling upon Him by the sweetest of names: " Come, Father of the poor! Come, Giver of gifts! Come, Light of our hearts! O best of Consolers, sweet Guest of the soul, our refreshment!" ' She earnestly implores Him to wash, heal, water our minds and hearts, and to give us who trust in Him "the merit of virtue, the acquirement of salvation, and joy everlasting." Nor can it be in any way doubted that He will listen to such prayer, since we read the words written by His own in- spiration: The Spirit Himself asketh for ws imth unspeak- able groanings} Lastly, we ought confidently and contin- ually to beg of Him to illuminate us daily more and more with His hght and inflame us with His charity: for, thus inspired with faith and love, we may press onward ear- nestly towards our eternal reward, since He is the pledge of our inheritance?

Such, Venerable Brethren, are the teachings and ex- hortations which We have seen good to utter, in order to stimulate devotion to the Holy Ghost. We have no doubt that, chiefly by means of your zeal and earnestness, they will bear abundant fruit among Christian peoples. We Ourselves shall never in the future fail to labor towards so important an end; and it is even Our intention, in whatever ways may appear suitable, to further cultivate and extend this admirable work of piety. Meanwhile, as two years ago, in Our Letter Provida Matris, We recom-

  • Summ. 111. 3a, q. iii. a. 8, ad 3m.
  • Roman Missal, Tuesday after Pentecost.

3 Hymn, Veni Sanctl Spiritus.

  • Rom. viii. 26.

«Eph. i. 14-