Page:The Great Encyclical Letters of Pope Leo XIII.djvu/542

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but most especially the resourceful and diligent zeal of the clergy. For priests, to whom Christ our Redeemer entrusted the office of consecrating and dispensing the mystery of His body and blood, can assuredly make no better return for the honor which has been conferred upon them, than by promoting with all their might the glory of His Eucharist, and by inviting and drawing the hearts of men to the health-giving springs of this great Sacrament and Sacrifice, seconding hereby the longings of His Most Sacred Heart.

May God grant that thus, in accordance with Our earnest desire, the excellent fruits of the Eucharist may daily manifest themselves in greater abundance, to the happy increase of faith, hope, and charity, and of all Christian virtues; and may this turn to the recovery and advantage of the whole body pohtic; and may the wisdom of God's most provident charity, who instituted this mystery for all time "for the Ufe of the world," shine forth with an ever brighter light.

Encouraged by such hopes as these, Venerable Brethren, We, as a presage of the divine liberahty and as a pledge of Our own charity, most lovingly bestow on each of you, and on the clergy and flock committed to the care of each. Our Apostolic Benediction.