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Chronology of the Case, 6


I. Evelyn Nesbit Thaw, the Woman in the Case, 11

II. Harry Thaw's Courtship and Marriage, 19

III. The Story that Startled the World, 28

IV. Stanford White, Creator and Destroyer, 41

V. Greatest Legal Battle of the Age Opens, 53

VI. "I swear Harry K. Thaw was Insane," 68

VII. A Human Sacrifice on the Altar of Love, 78

VIII. Evelyn Reveals White as a Fearful Monster, 87

IX. Intrigue like those in Days of Nero, 102

X. White on Verge of Arrest when Shot, 120

XI. Thaw's Will Disclosed Fear of Assassination, 128

XII. The Hidden Witness to the Proposal, 142

XIII. Lived on Bounty of Stanford White, 158

XIV. Thaw's Mother on the Stand, 164

XV. Scathing Denunciation by Jerome, 182

XVI. Shocking Disclosures in Famous Affidavit, 193

XVII. Jerome Calls Thaw Madman, 201

XVIII. Lunacy Commission is Appointed, 213

XIX. Commission Finds Thaw Sane, 220

XX. Delmas, "The Napoleon of the Bar"[P3 ,] 223

XXI. Delmas' Speech Moves Jurors, 228

XXII. "The Unwritten Law"—The Defense Ends, 244

XXIII. "Thou Shall Not Kill," Quotes Jerome, 262

XXIV. The Judge's Charge to the Jury—Thaw in
Collapse, 278

XXV. Deliberations of the Jury, 285

XXVI. Ending of the Trial—Jury Disagrees, 293