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"How did Mr. Thaw treat you from that time until he proposed marriage?"

"He treated me very nicely; carried me up and down stairs when I was sick and brought me flowers and took me carriage riding."

After her marriage to Mr. Thaw the witness said they took a trip through the west. While in Pittsburg, she said, she had lived at the home of her husband's mother. She related how she had persistently refused to marry Thaw before she finally did so.

"What reason did you give him for not marrying him?"

"It was because of my reputation. I did not want to separate him from his family. I knew it would be a good thing for me to marry him, but it would not be for him. It was because I loved him that I would not marry. If I did not love him so much I might have been anxious to marry him."

Mr. Delmas got the witness to relate how she met some of the Thaw family in Europe.

"There was something happened which led you to change your mind in regard to marrying Thaw?" asked Mr. Delmas.

"Yes," answered the young woman.

"You were given to believe that his family would receive you as his wife?"


"Did you meet Mrs. Thaw, his mother, in New York."

"I did."