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door porter that I would come some other time, so I ran back down the stairs, jumped into my hansom, looked neither to the right nor to the left, and told the driver to go back to the Lorraine as quickly as ever he could."

"How did Mr. Thaw act when you told him of this?"

"Oh, he was always very excited whenever I told him of my meetings with White. He bit his nails and looked excited."

"Did you ever tell Mr. Thaw how you came to be sent to school at Pompton, N. J., and if so, relate it to the jury, and also wherein the name of Jack Barrymore entered into the discussion, and tell what your relations to Barrymore were."

"I met Mr. Barrymore when I was with the 'Wild Rose' company at the Knickerbocker theater. Mr. White gave a dinner to a whole lot of friends. I was asked to attend and I went there and met his friends at the party. Mr. Barrymore was there."

Mrs. Thaw privately mentioned the names of the members of the party to Mr. Jerome. She said that when she told White of "Jack" Barrymore's proposal he became very angry and said he would send her away to school to New Jersey. She continued to detail her relations with Barrymore, and her being sent to school.

"It all came about through a quarrel between Mr. White, my mother and myself over Mr. Barrymore,