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attending physician at that time regarding your previous relations with White?"

"No, sir; not in my presence."

"Did Mr. Thaw at the time of your marriage and subsequent thereto talk very much about the incident in your life connected with White?"

"Yes. He always talked about it. He would waken me often at night, sobbing. And then he would constantly ask me questions about the details of this terrible thing."

"Did you visit May McKenzie at her apartments in 1904?"

"Yes; she was ill and sent me a letter to come to see her."

"While you were there did Stanford White come in?"


"Did you tell Mr. Thaw of anything that then occurred?"

"Yes. Stanford White spoke to me several times and I always answered 'yes' or 'no.' He then came over and started to straighten a bow on my hair. My hair was short, having been cut off at the time of my first operation. Then Stanford White tried to put his arms around me, and wanted me to sit beside him on the bed. I told him to let me alone."

Mrs. Thaw said that Harry Thaw always attributed her ill health, the necessity of the second operation, etc., to White. She also testified that Thaw