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The letter called attention to still another house, saying:

"You may also abolish another place at 122 East Twenty-second street—a house used secretly by three or four of the same scoundrels.

Mr. Delmas then asked permission to recall Mrs. Thaw for one more question—a startling one. Mrs. Thaw blushed violently and said in reply that White was a monster given to such practices that they would not bear repetition.

Evelyn Thaw, when first she told her story of alleged wrongs at the hand of the dead architect, did not falter in details as to the approximate time and circumstances.

"Counsel for the defense," said the attorney, in speaking of the progress, "are greatly pleased with Mrs. Thaw and her testimony. What pleases us most is that she followed the instructions given her, which were that she should tell the truth, no matter what question was asked her. We told her she was not to consider the effect upon herself or the defendant, but to tell the truth bluntly and without consideration of the consequences."