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reputation and mingled with the gayest set of the intemperate, circles of Bohemia.

That she pursued a calling most dangerous to innocence and purity for any girl.

That she lived off the bounty of the man who she alleges committed a shocking crime against her.

That she held astounding and shameful ideas of morality.

This was Mrs. Thaw's worst day on the stand, when her tears flowed almost constantly. When she was forced to tell of her experiences in White's infamous studio, she almost fainted. With head buried in his hands, Thaw wept aloud. It was a pitiful scene. The husband was so far overcome that he could not take his customary notes on the trial.

Evelyn Thaw was delirious that night and fell in May McKenzie's arms at her hotel.

Is it a wonder that Evelyn Thaw wished to flee from further notoriety after Thaw shot Stanford White, according to a member of the Thaw household? She is said to have made hasty preparations to sail for Europe. When the Thaw lawyers learned of this, a council was called immediately, and Evelyn was induced to stay, as rumor had it, by liberal concessions of the Thaws.