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"At what date?"

"I cannot remember exactly."

"How did it come about?"

Delmas objected.

"I want to instruct the witness that the District Attorney can ask any question he wants," he said, "and that I can object to it if I want to, and I ask you, Mrs. Thaw, not to answer until I have had a chance to object."

"There was a time when your son, under his father's will, was to receive a certain amount of money unless the executors saw fit to increase it and there was a subsequent time when the amount was increased by the executors, when was that?"

"If you will state it was after June, 1903, I will not object," said Delmas.

"I will not allow the question unless you set the date subsequent to June, 1903," said Judge Fitzgerald."

Jerome again put the question and was again overruled.

"After the death of the defendant's father was he in receipt of a certain income from the estate of his father?"

Delmas objected and was again sustained.

"After June, 1903, what was the income of the defendant?"

"It was from his own estate."

"What income did he receive before that?"